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Can a Swiss employer give preference to a candidate of one nationality over another?

While hiring job applicants based on their nationality may seem discriminatory, the fact is that in certain situations this practice is totally legal in Switzerland.

Can a Swiss employer give preference to a candidate of one nationality over another?
Sometimes, employers must 'discriminate'. Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

First things first: Swiss legislation prohibits discrimination in the workplace based on ethnic origin, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.
In fact, an employer can’t even ask questions related to these areas.

So how is it possible that companies can choose to hire one foreign worker and reject another, based solely on what passports they hold?

And why isn’t this considered ‘discrimination’?

Strict criteria

Employers in Switzerland must comply with government rules, and specifically with the ‘hiring hierarchy’ that applies to the labour market.

This ‘pecking order’, as it were, gives employment priority for any job vacancy to Swiss citizens. If none can be found, then companies can hire workers from the European Union or EFTA state.

In case employees who are qualified for a given job are not available from among the EU / EFTA pool, then (and only then) companies can look for candidates from farther afield —  that is, from third nations.

This is, however, a much more difficult process because non-Europeans are subject to a quota system and more restrictive conditions.

READ ALSO: Switzerland’s planned work quotas for third-country nationals

So when applications from candidates in, say, India or Brasil, are turned down on the basis of their nationality, this rejection can’t be taken as an act of discrimination or racism, but rather as compliance with official rules.

From the purely practical point of view, it is also much easier for an employer to recruit from the EU / EFTA, as these workers have an almost unlimited access to Switzerland’s labour market; the only reason a company would not hire them would be if a Swiss candidate could fill a vacant position.

This means that if a Swiss citizen is hired instead of a foreigner, the latter can’t really claim he or she was discriminated.

The way the government looks at this is that foreign workers — regardless of their nationality — are here to fill the gaps in the labour market, and not to take the jobs away from the Swiss.

There are, however, regulations within those laws.

Let’s say two equally qualified candidates present themselves for a job: one is from Germany and the other from France.

In this case the employer must choose the applicant who is better suited for the position, based on criteria such as education and professional experience.

If the employer selects a candidate based on their nationality — for instance, he likes Germans more than the French (or vice versa) — that could be construed as a discriminatory act.

In the event no Swiss or EU / EFTA candidate could be found and the company is ready to hire non-Europeans, the same rule applies: selection must be based on ability and credentials, and not on nationality.

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Can you claim unemployment benefits in Switzerland if you quit your job?

Sometimes you’ve just had enough, and it’s time to get out of a job that isn’t right for you. However, are you still able to claim unemployment in Switzerland if you quit? Here’s what to know. 

Can you claim unemployment benefits in Switzerland if you quit your job?

The short answer is yes, you can claim unemployment if you quit your job in Switzerland, thanks to the compulsory unemployment insurance that you’ve paid into.

But, there are a few caveats you need to know about.

The first is that you must be on a ‘B’ or ‘C’ permit to be eligible for unemployment benefits- as are the majority of international workers in Switzerland.

Those on an ‘L’ permit are eligible to draw unemployment benefits, if they worked in Switzerland for 12 months.

READ MORE: What unemployment benefits are foreign workers in Switzerland entitled to?

You also cannot claim unemployment if you’ve been self-employed or a freelancer for the duration of your time in Switzerland. 

This is because you need to have been engaged in full-time work paying into Switzerland’s national unemployment insurance program for a year – earning at least 500 francs a month – to be eligible.

Finally, there will be a penalty applied if you quit your job and then immediately file for unemployment benefits. 

Specifically, there will be a holding period on your payments of up to sixty days, although this will depend on your unemployment advisor and the circumstances of your quitting. If there are medical or mental health issues involved in quitting, your job, these can be taken into consideration in modifying the period. Therefore, it’s a good idea to hold on to any doctor’s reports when registering.

READ MORE: What you should know if you want to quit your job in Switzerland

If you are eligible, and you have registered at your local Regional Employment Centre (RAV), you can expect to receive 70 percent of your previous salary, and 80 percent if you have a dependent under 25 years of age, or you have a registered disability. 

The maximum unemployment benefits distributed to an individual by the government are 148,200 francs a year, for a monthly payment of 12,350 francs.