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EXPLAINED: What is Denmark’s B-tax and who has to pay it?

If you work as a freelancer or are self-employed in Denmark then it’s a good idea to be familiar with “B-skat” or self-submitted tax.

EXPLAINED: What is Denmark’s B-tax and who has to pay it?
B-tax is a common form of tax for freelancers and self-employed people in Denmark. File photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

B-tax (B-skat in Danish) is the tax payable on so-called B-earnings (B-indkomst). This means income for which regular income taxes are yet to be deducted when you receive it.

Examples of income of this type could be for people who are self-employed or work as freelancers and submit invoices for services rendered, termed honorarmodtagere in Danish. 

If you receive earnings of this type, you are responsible for declaring them and paying income tax as well as Denmark’s labour market contribution, AM-bidrag, on this income.

This distinguishes B-tax from other forms of income tax which are deducted before the pay goes into your account – which is normally the case for employed people.

READ ALSO: Does Denmark really have the highest tax in the world?

If your income consists entirely of B-income – in other words, you have no A-income paid by an employer – you pay B-tax in one of two ways. Both of these require logging in to the tax platform.

Once you are logged on, you can enter your expected B-income from your business into box 221, if you are self-employed.

If you have a regular monthly B-income – for example, you are a freelancer with a regular gig who is paid a monthly retainer – you can enter that income into box 210 or 207 (the right box depends on the type of work you do, for most freelancers in service industry jobs the correct box will be 210).

In both of these cases, the forskudsopgørelse or preliminary tax return is very useful. That is because you can enter your expected earnings for the year ahead into the preliminary return and be given an estimate for your annual tax bill.

This can then be paid monthly using the betalingsservice direct debit system, meaning you don’t have to pay a large tax bill at the end of the year.

If your expected earnings change, you can update your preliminary tax return accordingly and your tax payments will adjust.

READ ALSO: Forskudsopgørelse: Why checking your preliminary Danish tax return matters

In some cases, you won’t be given a bill to pay. This is likely to happen if you also have an A-income, because the tax authority will raise you’re A-tax rate to incorporate the tax you are due for your B-earnings. If this is not possible, you will get a so-called indbetalingskort or bill for payment of the B-tax. This can be paid through your bank’s online banking platform or

Paying from abroad

If you are paying B-skat from abroad with a non-Danish bank account, you will need to use the IBAN and Swift code details for the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelse). These can be found on the agency’s website.

Remember to rate your Danish personal registration (CPR) number as a message to the recipient, and an outline of what the payment is for (namely B-tax).

If paying with a Danish account, you can find the correct details for the indbetalingskort payment card by clicking the “Betal B-skat” button on the forskudsopgørelse section. This will show you your pending payments as well as the payment information.


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IN DATA: Danish incomes rise faster than any time in the last 30 years

The average income earned in Denmark shot up by 6.3 percent in 2023, the largest annual rise in earnings recorded since the early 1990s. We break down the numbers.

IN DATA: Danish incomes rise faster than any time in the last 30 years

The average pre-tax income in Denmark rose to 395,500 kroner in 2023, a 6.3 percent rise on the average in 2022, and the highest year-on-year percentage rise in real incomes seen in the country in 30 years.

The sharp rise was driven primarily by income from investments, with shares and funds which performed poorly in 2022 bouncing back strongly in 2023, leading to a near-doubling in the earnings booked by many Danes. 

"The high increase in the average total income per person before tax in 2023 must be seen in the light of an extremely good year on the financial markets," Statistics Denmark wrote in a press release. The average pre-tax income from assets shot up 77 percent to 24,600 kroner in 2023, after the disappointing 29 percent decline in investment earnings received on average in 2022. 

Income from salaries rose a very solid 4.1 percent, with the average pre-tax salary rising by 10,100 kroner to 255,900 kroner. Income from small businesses rose 3.8 percent from 265,500 kroner to 275,500 kroner, while income for the self-employed was flat compared to 2022 at an average of 18,600 kroner. 

"It's hardly surprising that income is rising on average," Brian Friis Helmer, a private economist at Arbejdernes Landsbank, said in a comment. "Employment rose by more than 30,000 last year, and wages in the private sector, in particular, rose noticeably. With more Danes in work and more in the salary bag, it raises the average income."