‘Frankenfood’ potatoes turn up in Swedish field

The discovery of genetically modified potatoes in a field in Sweden has led to the European Commission on Monday issuing a summons on German chemical giant BASF.

'Frankenfood' potatoes turn up in Swedish field

“Obviously there was a blunder which took place,” said a spokesperson for the European Commission, which is responsible for licensing products long labelled ‘Frankenfoods’ in media.

“The wrong potato was sent to Sweden,” the spokesperson said, triggering the summons to “explain” why “flowers” of Amadea, a GM crop currently being prepared by BASF, but which is not yet authorised, were found in the field.

Brussels is also gathering authorities from Sweden, Germany and the Czech Republic, the three territories where Amflora — a strain of potato that is authorised for the likes of glue or paper-making, but not human consumption — is legally grown.

According to Greenpeace, the potato has been “grown illegally in open fields in Sweden for months” by Plant Science Sweden, a subsidiary of BASF.

The environmental campaigners say that while Amadea has been cleared from the field, planted on June 11, Amflora has been allowed to remain, after “a deplorable lapse in bio-security” that a spokeswoman said showed that such companies “can’t be trusted.”

Greenpeace said the case echoed one in which “thousands of hectares of unauthorised GM maize had to be destroyed after being grown illegally across

Germany this summer.”

The commission spokeswoman asked: “Who knows what the effects of growing a largely untested GM crop for months in the open environment will be?”

BASF admitted on its website that it had found “extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields” during “regular in-house quality controls.”

It said that the “level of comingling is less than 0.01 percent, which translates to 47 Amadea plants among approximately 680,000 Amlora plants,” all of which had been “removed.”

Amadea was submitted last week for regulatory approval in the EU.

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