Politics in Sweden: Pride shows the fault lines in Kristersson’s coalition

Rainbow flags at the PM's Pride reception couldn't disguise the tension between Ulf Kristersson's personal liberalism and the Sweden Democrats' determination to wage a culture war, writes The Local's publisher James Savage.

Politics in Sweden: Pride shows the fault lines in Kristersson's coalition
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson walked in the 2023 Stockholm Pride Parade. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

The rainbow flags outside Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson’s official residence, Sagerska huset, seemed calculated to send a message that reached far beyond the people gathered inside for his Pride reception: when it comes to rights for gay and trans people, this is a liberal government.

The guests at the big gay party included politicians from other political parties – including former Social Democrat leader Mona Sahlin, Green MP and LGBTQI activist Ulrika Westerlund, as well as ministers from the Christian Democrat and Liberal parties. 

They also included American ambassador Eric Ramanathan and Israeli ambassador Ziv Nevo Kulman, both of whom are gay, and celebs like dramatist and author Jonas Gardell and singer Magnus Carlsson. The Prime Minister’s wife Birgitta Ed offset her clerical dog collar (she’s a priest in the Church of Sweden) with a rather spectacular dog-themed dress. 

OK, and a bunch of media gays somehow also made the guest list, including your correspondent.

Lots of guests wondered aloud beforehand whether it was right to accept hospitality from Kristersson, given his alliance with the Sweden Democrats, but most of us seemed to quickly overcome our doubts.

I’d like to say I went because the reception sent an important message that the Swedish government embraces an LGBTQI community that governments elsewhere actively persecute, but I’ll readily admit I accepted mostly because it sounded like fun – you don’t often get to see the prime minister’s house from the inside.

Rainbow flags hanging from the balconies of the prime minister’s official residence in Stockholm. Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/TT

Conspicuous by his absence was Sweden Democrat MP, former deputy speaker and leader of the Swedish delegation to the OSCE, Björn Söder. The man who earlier the same week claimed on X (that’s Twitter to you and me) that by linking himself to the Pride movement, Ulf Kristersson was “legitimising paedophilia“.

Söder’s salvo in the culture wars appeared to breach the agreement between the Sweden Democrats and the government, which obliges the parties to speak “respectfully” about each others’ leading representatives. Perhaps that’s why Kristersson felt liberated to hit back, describing Söder’s words as “grotesque” and “deeply offensive”, but Söder’s spirit still hung like an Orbanist Banquo over Saturday’s reception. 

Kristersson personally has an excellent voting record on LGBTQI issues, stretching back to the mid-90s when he rebelled against his party and voted for same-sex partnerships.

These days his party has caught up with him – even the chairman of Stockholm Pride is a Moderate politician, Fredrik Saweståhl. Perhaps Saturday’s reception was an attempt to draw attention to this. But the events of the past week have laid bare a gulf in values between the three parties of the governing coalition and the Sweden Democrats.

The gulf is perhaps widest between the Sweden Democrats and the Liberal Party, whose minister Paulina Brandberg is currently trying to enact a self-identification law that will allow trans people to change legal gender through a simple online declaration.

Söder’s tweets followed similarly offensive statements, this time about Muslims, from Richard Jomshof, the Sweden Democrat chair of the Swedish parliament’s Justice Committee.

When Sweden is being pilloried in the Muslim world for Quran burnings and when the country’s Nato application is dependent on Turkish goodwill, Jomshof chose to describe the prophet Muhammad as a “warlord, mass murderer, slave trader and bandit“.

That time Kristersson’s response was notably more muted, merely saying that Jomshof should “be careful how he expresses himself”. 

So how can Kristersson continue to govern in partnership with the Sweden Democrats, when their values are so at odds?

Government ministers themselves point to the Tidö agreement, under which cooperation with the far-right party is limited to a number of key areas and there are no Sweden Democrat ministers.

But the fact remains that Kristersson is entirely dependent on them to stay in power – something he seems determined to do. But with Sweden Democrats seemingly intent on waging a culture war, the veneer of respect between them and the government could soon be wearing very thin. 

Politics in Sweden is a weekly column looking at the big talking points and issues in Swedish politics. Members of The Local Sweden can sign up to receive an email alert when the column is published. Just click on this “newsletters” option or visit the menu bar.

Member comments

  1. The Moderate Party has held anti-immigration positions since the 2000s. Mr Kristersson’s deal with SD required a more restrictive position and affirmed SD’s xenophobic rhetoric. A judicial investigation from RFSL found LGBTQI asylum cases refused on unlawful grounds and it will only get worse, with both parties wanting to reduce asylum to as close to zero as is legally possible within the EU.

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Northvolt warns work permit salary threshold could jeopardise Sweden’s green transition

Sweden’s minimum salary threshold for work permits has increased by almost 120 percent in less than a year, and there are plans to increase it again to the median salary next summer. Battery manufacturers Northvolt warns that this could stop the company from hiring and retaining key workers.

Northvolt warns work permit salary threshold could jeopardise Sweden's green transition

“Northvolt’s extensive labour requirements in northern Sweden cannot currently be met by permanently established workers in Sweden or within the EU,” the company wrote in a response to the government’s proposal to raise the salary threshold to the median salary, currently 35,600 kronor.

“This applies in particular to machine operators and technicians, whose minimum wages under collective bargaining agreements are lower than the median wage, and therefore are particularly vulnerable in this context.”

The EU has highlighted qualified machine operators and technicians as professions which are particularly hard to source within the bloc, meaning companies often have no choice but to source these workers from non-EU countries.

Northvolt has the added complication of being located in northern Sweden, an area which in general often struggles to find key workers in a number of industries, and the company isn’t convinced that enough is being done to fix this.

“Northvolt does not believe that the government and the Public Employment Service’s measures to promote geographic mobility in the Swedish labour market is going to be able to cover the company’s need for labour,” it wrote, while adding that it believes the proposed hike to the work permit salary threshold could have “significant consequences” for its facility in Skellefteå.

“Aside from the direct effects on the company, Northvolt sees a risk that staffing in healthcare, services and infrastructure in northern Sweden could be negatively affected by the salary threshold, which would indirectly affect Northvolt’s expansion.”

In addition to this, the company deems the proposed exemptions to the salary threshold – these would be put forward by the Migration Agency and the Public Employment Service based on professions where there’s a labour shortage – to be insufficient and unpredictable.

Northvolt’s criticism highlighted the fact that the exemptions are based on a model which is currently under development and which may not be ready by the time the law is due to come into force, as well as the fact that professions with a labour shortage will be defined using a so-called SSYK code.

Some key roles for Northvolt to do with battery production do not have one of these codes, as they are relatively new roles.

“It remains to be seen how the proposed model would effectively be able to identify professions with a labour shortage when they don’t have an SSYK code,” the company wrote, adding that this all makes it harder for the company to plan, for example, will an employee who is granted a work permit once be eligible for renewal two years later?

“The employee in that situation would risk being deported from Sweden. If that were to happen, it would be deeply unfair for the employee who has contributed to supporting Swedish society in a role where there is a shortage, and a catastrophe for the employer who has invested years of education and talent in the employee.”

“This lack of predictability can be compared to earlier notorious so-called kompetensutvisningar (talent deportations), and will further complicate the recruitment or necessary talent,” it wrote.