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EXPLAINED: Norway’s divisive decision to connect a gas plant to the power grid

Norway's government has approved a plan to connect the Hammerfest liquified natural gas plant to the power grid to cut greenhouse gasses. However, the move has been met with strong opposition. 

Pictured is a file photo of Equinor's LNG facility on Melkøya.
Norway has given teh green light to power Melkøya from the national grid. File photo: Equinor's liquified natural gas facility on Melkøya. PHOTO / NINA LARSON (Photo by NINA LARSON / AFP)

The Norwegian government has given the green light to plans to connect the Hammerfest liquified natural gas plant on the island of Melkøya in northern Norway to the local energy grid. 

The measure could cut up to two percent of Norway’s total annual emissions, according to plant operator Equinor. The plan involves shutting down a gas plant that powers the facility and replacing it with energy from the grid. 

Electricity supplied from the grid would be much cleaner than energy from the gas plant because the vast majority of Norway’s power needs are met by renewable sources. 

“This is an important day for building industry and creating jobs in northern Norway, and for the climate,” Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre told a news conference held in front of the plant in Arctic Norway.

The planned power switch will take place in 2030. Equinor and its partners will invest 13.2 billion kroner to electrify Melkøya. The facility at Melkøya can deliver 6.5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas per year, enough to power about 6.5 million homes. By electrifying and upgrading the plant, it could remain in operation until 2040. 

Plans to electrify Melkøya have been met with heavy opposition. Norway’s parliament had previously asked the government to explore other options, such as carbon capture storage at the plant. This would involve capturing emissions and storing them permanently under the ground at the site.    

To prevent Melkøya from using all the energy in the region, the government has planned a large-scale expansion of the power grid in Finnmark. 

Several wind projects in the region have also received licences to meet the power demands of the electrification. However, issuing licences for new projects to expand energy capacity in the north typically conflicts with the interest of reindeer herders. 

“The problem is that many of the wind power projects for which a licence has been applied for are located in areas with reindeer herding. So it will be full of conflict and not entirely easy to carry out,” Olav Botnen at Volt Power Analytics told Norwegian financial newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (DN). 

Norway’s government has been in several disputes with reindeer herders over the development of energy projects. In 2021, the Norwegian government lost in the Supreme Court after it was ruled that the Fosen wind farms in central Norway encroached on the rights of indigenous Sami reindeer herders

The court ruled that the wind farms, which disrupted reindeer herding, violated the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It said that traditional Sami reindeer herding is a protected cultural practice. Despite the ruling, the Norwegian government has not announced plans to remove the wind turbines deemed illegal. 

The Sami Parliament has condemned the government’s decision to electrify Melkøya.  

“It is completely unacceptable that the government announces the electrification of Melkøya in this way. Such a decision shows that the government is setting aside all promises about consideration for Sami rights holders. The promise of strengthened dialogue with the Sami Parliament also seems to be empty words,” Sami Parliament president Silje Karine Muotka said. 

Locally, the plan could also push up energy prices for households. This is because energy analysts predict it will be difficult to develop enough power to electrify the plant. 

This means supply could struggle to keep pace with demand. Northern Norway, generally, sees the lowest energy prices in the country as it produces far more power than it needs. 

There are also concerns that other green energy projects may find it hard to get off the ground as priority will be given to meeting Melkøya’s energy needs. 

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Greenpeace warns Norway over ‘irreversible’ deep-sea mining harm

Greenpeace on Friday warned Norway that its plans to open up its Arctic seabed to mining would cause "irreversible" damage to the entire marine ecosystem.

Greenpeace warns Norway over 'irreversible' deep-sea mining harm

The Scandinavian country is expected to award the first exploration licences in 2025, and could become one of the first nations in the world to mine the seabed despite fierce criticism from scientists, NGOs and other countries.

“Norway’s deep sea mining plans in the Arctic will cause irreversible harm to biodiversity,” Greenpeace said as it published a report titled “Deep Sea Mining in the Arctic: Living Treasures at Risk”.

It said deep sea mining would pose a further danger to a little-studied ecosystem already under threat from global warming.

Among the dangers it cited were the direct removal of the seafloor habitat and organisms, noise and light pollution, the risk of chemical leaks from machinery and equipment, as well as the accidental displacement of species.

“Mining will cause permanent damage to those ecosystems and it will remain impossible to assess the full extent of those impacts, let alone control them,” said Kirsten Young, head of research at Greenpeace.

“Norway’s plans not only directly threaten species and habitats on the seabed, but also the wider marine ecosystem, from the tiniest plankton to the great whales,” she said in a statement.

Norwegian authorities have stressed the importance of not relying on China or authoritarian countries for minerals essential for renewable technology.

Oslo has also argued that mapping and prospecting will make it possible to fill in knowledge gaps.

“The global transition to a low-carbon society will require huge amounts of minerals and metals,” Astrid Bergmal, state secretary at the energy ministry, told AFP in an email.

“Today, the extraction of minerals is largely concentrated in a small number of countries or companies.

This can contribute to a vulnerable supply situation, which is challenging, especially in today’s geopolitical situation,” she said.

Some of the minerals are used in the manufacturing of batteries, wind turbines, computers and mobile phones.

Norway insists any potential exploitation would take place only after “responsible and sustainable” methods have been established, and the first projects will have to be approved by the government and parliament in advance.

Oslo plans to open up a 281,000-square-kilometre (108,500-square-mile) zone to prospecting — about half the size of France — in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas, and aims to award the first permits in the first half of 2025.

Among those that have protested against Norway’s plans are the European Parliament and environmental protection organisations, while countries like France and the UK and dozens of large companies have called for a moratorium on deep sea mining.