Americans in Europe: US finally moves to cut $2,350 fee for renouncing citizenship

The US looks finally set to push ahead with its promise to cut the fee for renouncing American citizenship from $2,350 down to $450, writes Helen Burggraf.

Americans in Europe: US finally moves to cut $2,350 fee for renouncing citizenship
US moves to cut fee for renouncing citizenship. Photo by Annika Gordon on Unsplash

News that the US government will finally act on its pledge to cut the fee for renouncing citizenship – first promised last January – has been welcomed by American expat groups.

The latest move was made public in a notice dated October 2nd and posted on the government’s Federal Register.

The State Department says it is “proposing to amend” the fee from its current $2,350 to $450, in response to concerns that “members of the public have continued to raise” since the fee was increased to the current amount from $450 in 2014. 

The State department noted “the not insignificant anecdotal evidence regarding the difficulties many US nationals residing abroad are encountering” when trying to renounce citizenship.

It said that $450 is only “a fraction of the cost of providing” the consular services involved in processing a Certificate of Loss of Nationality (CLN). 

The State Department said that it’s accepting comments on the matter from members of the public until November 1st. 

The move has been particularly welcomed by group representing ‘Accidental Americans’ – predominantly citizens of other countries who were born in the US to foreign parents, who have since moved abroad and have had little connection to the US during their adult lives.

Fabien Lehagre, the Paris-based founder of Accidental Americans Association said the State Department’s notification represented “a massive relief for accidental Americans, as well as our fellow Americans living abroad.

“It’s still quite a price tag, but hey, it’s over 80 percent off,” he said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Rest assured, I do not intend to give up the fight to make the waiver procedure even more affordable,” Lehagre added.

“Renunciation is a right, protected by the U.S. Constitution.” 

Because Accidental Americans are US citizens through birth and due to the United States’ citizenship-based tax regime, they are deemed by the US to have tax reporting (and potentially tax-paying) obligations for as long as they live, even if they never set foot in the US.

Americans interested in renouncing their citizenships had been wondering for months whether the government would go ahead with its intention to lower the fee, which was first announced by the State Department on January 6th 2023.

READ ALSO: How Americans in Europe are struggling to renounce US citizenship

But the fact the new notification doesn’t give an exact date for when the fee will be cut might give rise to worries that it may still be months before the new fee is brought in.

However Toronto-based lawyer and US expatriation expert John Richardson and other campaigners for fairer tax treatment of American expatriates say they are reasonably certain that the reduction in the renunciation fee will now go ahead, but they weren’t able to say when it is likely to happen. 

“It’s just a matter of time,” Richardson said.

He added that he doubted that the lowering of the fee to $450 would have any effect on the numbers of people who are renouncing their US citizenships, which has been running as high as more than 6,000 annually.

The United States is unusual in that it imposes tax responsibilities based on both residence and citizenship – so even citizens who have lived abroad for many years and have no economic activity in the US have to file an annual tax declaration to the IRS.

There are also certain limitations on US citizens who live abroad such as the 2010 FATCA law that effectively made it hard for them to open European bank accounts and limitations on certain types of financial investments in Europe.

The number of Americans choosing to renounce citizenship was far lower before FATCA was introduced.

“For those Americans living abroad who are seeking to renounce, the advantages [of no longer being American] are worth far more than $2,350,” Richardson explained.

A spokesperson for the State Department told The Local: “On October 2nd, 2023, the Department published a proposed rule proposing a reduction of the fee for Administrative Processing of a Request for a Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United States (CLN) from $2,350 to $450.  

“This proposed rule will be open for public comment until November 1, 2023.  After the close of the public comment period, the Department will issue a Final Rule that will take into account any substantive public comments.

“Once implemented, the fee change will not be retroactive, and no refunds or partial refunds will be issued as a result of this fee change.”   

Address for sending comments

Those Americans who are interested in submitting comments to the State Department on the subject of the proposed reduction in the cost of renouncing US citizenship may do so in one of a number of ways. These are detailed in the State Department’s Federal Register statement mentioned above, which may be accessed by clicking here.

Member comments

  1. Coming from the US, I can say that there shouldn’t be a fee at all. The majority of this process could be automated if the US government would hurry up and join the 21st century in terms of technology in government.

  2. As of today, May 25, 2024, the Renunciation cost still hasn’t been reduced. The Local should do a follow up on why Biden is taking so long.

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Americans in Italy: Lowering your freelance tax bill and driving test tips

How can you lower your social security bill as an American freelancer in Italy and what should you know before taking the Italian driving test? Find out in our latest Americans in Italy newsletter.

Americans in Italy: Lowering your freelance tax bill and driving test tips

Welcome to our regular look at everything you need to know about life in Italy for The Local’s readers from the US. This newsletter is published monthly and you can receive it directly to your inbox before we publish by going to newsletter preferences in ‘My Account’ or following the instructions in the newsletter box below.

Freelancing is an attractive option for those seeking the freedom and flexibility of working for themselves.

In Italy, this may occasionally also be the only viable route as many companies are unable (or unwilling) to pay high employee taxes, and instead only work with self-employed contractors.

Generally speaking, freelancers in Italy pay two main types of tax: income tax and social security contributions to INPS.

Under the ‘ordinary regime’ (regime ordinario), you’ll pay Italy’s standard income tax IRPEF, which ranges from 23 to 43 percent of your taxable income depending on your earnings. But if you qualify for Italy’s popular ‘flat-tax regime’, you’ll pay five percent of your taxable income for the first five years and 15 percent from there on out.

As for social security, freelancers who are not enrolled in a professional association must pay into a state benefits scheme called gestione separata (literally ‘separate management’), with contributions set at 33 percent

But a special Italy-US bilateral agreement aimed at mitigating the effects of citizenship-based taxation means that American freelancers can significantly lower their tax bills by paying social security in the US instead of Italy.

Here’s how you can take advantage of it. 

How to lower your social security bill as an American freelancer in Italy

Driving is often a necessity in Italy as, outside of large urban areas, many parts of the country lack adequate public transport services.

But this can be tricky for holders of non-EU licences as Italian rules state that they can drive on national roads for a maximum of one year from acquiring residency.

After that, they need to exchange their non-EU licence for an Italian licence or, if that’s not possible, take an Italian driving test in order to get one.

As, barring diplomatic staff and their family members, the US doesn’t currently have a bilateral licence exchange agreement with Rome, American nationals living in Italy must get an Italian licence to continue legally driving in the country following the one-year window.

But passing Italy’s driving test can be a major challenge, not least because the theory quiz requires a significant amount of technical knowledge and cannot be taken in English

US citizen Barbara Giuliano Di Fabio told us how she managed to get her own Italian driver’s licence, sharing her best tips for fellow Americans looking to do the same. 

‘I felt like a rookie’: How one American finally got her Italian driver’s licence

While the theory quiz is generally regarded as the most daunting part of Italy’s driving test, that doesn’t mean that the road exam is without challenges. 

Driving a manual car (macchina con cambio manuale) after you’ve driven automatic transmission vehicles (macchine con cambio automatico) all your life can be one of them.

But can you only take Italy’s practical driving test if you drive a car with a manual gearbox or is there an option for automatic vehicles?

Can you only take Italy’s practical driving test if you drive a manual car?

Have your say: If you’d like to share your opinion or tell us about an experience you’ve had while living in Italy, please leave a comment below this article or get in touch by email.

And if you have any advice for other American readers who are considering moving to Italy, or questions of your own, you can add them to our ongoing survey here.

Thanks for reading and please get in touch with us by email if you have any feedback on this newsletter.