Moving to France: Remote work, French schools and how much money you’ll need

Moving to France - a country famous for its complicated bureaucracy - can be a daunting task. Fortunately, our new newsletter is here to answer your questions - this month we're looking at remote working options, what to expect when sending non-French speaking children to local schools and the cost of living in France.

Moving to France: Remote work, French schools and how much money you'll need
How much will it cost to live the good life in France? Photo by GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP

Here at The Local we’re an Anglo-American team living in France – which means all of us have been through the simultaneously exciting and terrifying process of moving countries. 

Our new newsletter is aimed at people who are in the process of moving, have recently moved and are still grappling with the paperwork or perhaps are just thinking about it – and we’ll share a monthly selection of practical tips. Our team is also available to answer questions from subscribers to The Local.

Remote working

If you’re not quite at retirement age but your French isn’t good enough for most jobs in France (and simply quitting work isn’t possible without a lottery win) then you might have thought that moving to France was not possible for you, at least not yet.

However the recent explosion in remote working has opened up new possibilities – offering as it does the option of continuing to work for companies in your home country remotely, while actually living in France and enjoying the French lifestyle.

But if this sounds too good to to be true, that might be because it is.

While it is certainly possible to work remotely from France, you will really need to take expert advice from both an immigration lawyer and a tax specialist before you do – as doing remote work outside France can have important implications for your residency status, your tax liabilities and your ability to access French public services like healthcare and (eventually) citizenship. 

The thing that makes this especially complicated is that visa rules were written before remote working became widespread (they were last updated in 2005) so finding accurate information can be complicated.

Ask the experts: What’s the deal with remote work and French visas?

Money matters

While there are doubtless a few lottery winners out there planning a French move, for many people the main question is whether they can afford it.

Certain visa types have financial requirements, especially those for retirees – we take a look at how much money you need for a visa.

And then there’s the question of how much you will need to live on in France. Naturally there are big regional variations – Paris regularly ranks among the most expensive cities in the world while rural France is relatively cheap.

We’ve put together some guides on roughly how much money you will need to live in Paris, the Riviera, south-west France and Grand-Est (the cheapest French region). 

Explained: How much money you need to live in France

Learning French

While plenty of people move to France with only basic French, most people want to improve their language skills once they arrive, and work hard at it.

There’s a perception that once you arrive you will simply ‘pick up’ French as it is spoken all around you. That might be true for a few gifted linguists, but for most people learning French will require hard work (and probably a few tears, especially once you get to the subjonctif). 

Here’s an estimate of how long it is likely to take to get your French to a reasonable standard.

Kids are alright?

Speaking of gifted linguists it is true that children tend to pick up languages faster than their parents – often thanks to being at a French-speaking school all day.

We asked some parents who have done it what to expect when sending their kids to French school, and how to go through the process of registering a non French-speaking child in the local school


The Local’s Reader Questions section covers questions our members have asked us and is a treasure trove of useful info on all kinds of practical matters. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, head here to leave us your questions.

Bon courage!

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Moving to France: Remote areas, online services and dual nationals

In the latest Moving to France newsletter we look at where the most isolated parts of the country are, how to get a working visa and how France is gradually moving its mighty bureaucracy online (yes, really).

Moving to France: Remote areas, online services and dual nationals

Here at The Local we’re an Anglo-American team living in France – which means all of us have been through the simultaneously exciting and terrifying process of moving countries.

Our new newsletter is aimed at people who are in the process of moving, have recently moved and are still grappling with the paperwork or perhaps are just thinking about it – and we’ll share a monthly selection of practical tips. Our team is also available to answer questions from subscribers to The Local.


In a milestone development, the French government has announced that its visa application process is now fully online

In truth, because this has been a change gradually phased in since 2017, many types of visa have been available via the visa portal some time (years even). Nonetheless, it marks the end of a long process, and it is the latest development in France’s overall project of moving all of its vast apparatus of bureaucracy online.

Despite its reputation as the country of paper forms and filing cabinets, these days you’re much more likely to be directed to a website or app in order to complete your admin tasks.

7 handy shortcuts for French bureaucracy


When it comes to visas, the process is a two-step one – first make the application via the France-Visas page, which also includes the helpful ‘visa wizard’ which helps you narrow down the right visa type for you.

The application is passed to a French consulate in the country you are applying from, which deals with the application and may require an in-person appointment.

Well, we say the consulate – many consulates now outsource this work to third-party companies – and it seems that it is this stage of the process where problems are most likely to crop up.

Those applying from the UK are required to use the TLS Contact visa service firm and reports about their reliability and efficiency are decidedly mixed.

Users speak out about frustration with TLS Contact’s French visa site


If you’re moving to France to work and you do not have citizenship of an EU country then you are going to need a working visa.

But in a Catch-22 situation, needing a visa is likely to make it harder to find a job. The key to getting French working visas is often having realistic expectations.

Explained: How to get a visa if you want to move to France to work

Dual nationals

If you’re lucky enough to have citizenship of an EU country then you can avoid all this visa paperwork – since EU freedom of movement gives citizens of any EU country the right to live and work in France.

However if you are a dual national there are a few things to be aware of – especially when it comes to travel.

5 things that dual nationals in France need to know

Splendid isolation

France has some lovely cities – you might have seen a certain capital looking rather handsome during this summer’s Olympics – but if you prefer to get away from the madding crowds then the country also has some very isolated areas.

Revealed: Where are the most remote areas of France?


The Local’s Reader Questions section covers questions our members have asked us and is a treasure trove of useful info on all kinds of practical matters. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, head here to leave us your questions.

Bon courage !