London-Paris travellers snub ‘expensive’ Eurostar for plane

Many travellers are opting to take a plane rather than train between London and Paris despite climate concerns and the Eurostar rail service connecting the two capitals in just over two hours.

London-Paris travellers snub 'expensive' Eurostar for plane
A Eurostar train in southern England. (Photo by Ben Stansall / AFP)

“It’s ridiculous to take the plane for such a distance,” said Sabia Mokeddem, a French national who has lived in London for more than five years.

Mokeddem says she is forced to fly, however, because of Eurostar’s “prohibitive” ticket prices for the 305-mile (492-kilometre) high-speed link through the Channel Tunnel.

“I think of all the carbon that I’m emitting for such a short flight, but I can’t afford the train,” the 27-year-old bank worker told AFP.

She says she would happily pay a little more to let the train take the strain “because it’s better for the planet” and because she prefers going by rail.

But the difference in price is too great when she can find flights that go over rather than under the Channel for as little as €40.

Lucy Kelly, a 30-year-old from Ireland who lives in Paris and works in brand management, takes the train to London only when she can reserve a seat well in advance.

“If I’m organised enough I’ll book the Eurostar,” she explained. “Then you can find a return for €110 which is fine, I think, even if it’s still
more expensive than the plane. If I go last minute, prices can be crazy.”

A return ticket often exceeds €350.

Kelly said she took the plane to London in November.

“It was definitely cheaper – a quarter of the price of getting on the train,” she said.

Getting to the airport was a headache, she admitted, but said she would still probably do it again.

“The train should be subsidised. People should be encouraged to take the train, not the plane,” she added.

Border controls

When asked by AFP, Eurostar declined to provide the price of an average ticket or indicate whether it had increased in recent years, as many travellers suspect.

The subsidiary of French rail operator SNCF says it cannot compare train and air fares, as flying incurs extra costs such as getting to the airport and for luggage.

Despite evidence of passengers choosing to fly for cost reasons, Eurostar said some seven million people still used its service between London and Paris last year.

In comparison, nearly two million flew in the 12 months to October 2023, according to aviation sector analysts Cirium. Both figures are similar to pre-pandemic levels.

Eurostar commercial director Francois le Doze said people “buy Eurostar first” and trains fill up quicker than planes, which may account for the faster increase in prices.

He also said Parisians and Londoners had greater purchasing power compared with people in other capitals across the continent, which means that “these journeys are priced at the amount people are willing to pay”.

“Take-up rates are higher than ever,” he insisted.

The company had said it wants to increase passenger numbers, which could help cut prices, but it said that has become more difficult since Britain’s departure from the European Union, with Brexit causing a “bottleneck” at the border.

Operating costs for running stations, infrastructure, rail lines, energy, personnel and financing are also “very high”, le Doze added.


Environmental campaign group Greenpeace is very active on the issue of high rail prices compared with aviation.

“Government have created an uneven regulatory playing field that benefits the most polluting modes of transport,” it said.

“We should tax air travel at a level that reflects the damage it does to the climate.”

Greenpeace notes in particular that airlines do not pay tax on aviation fuel.

According to the group, planes emit on average five times more greenhouse gases than trains. Eurostar estimates that there are 90 percent less CO2 emissions on the train.

But it is not just Eurostar where the question of price is an issue: it costs twice as much to travel between London and Edinburgh by train compared with flying, Greenpeace says.

Competition could shake up the status quo for Eurostar passengers fed up with high prices.

The Getlink group, which operates the Channel Tunnel, believes that passenger traffic could at least double from its current levels.

Since the line opened in 1994, there has been talk of Eurostar facing competition from other operators but so far none of the plans has come to fruition.

Member comments

  1. I really can’t understand why there’s no open competition in this train line. Prices are way too expensive and the service is quite appalling.

    By comparison Amtrak operates the Pacific Surfline , 2.5 hrs from LA to San Diego. Business tickets go for a fixed price of 54 USD and Tourist for 35 USD. Kind and attentive staff. Great ride, spacious double decker trains and amazing customer service.

  2. It’s true that the train is often much more expensive than the plane. But you can offset the carbon emissions of the flight and it’s still much cheaper than the train. For instance the cost of offsetting a Marseille – London economy return on the reputable German foundation atmosfair is €11.

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Eurostar says may scrap links to Amsterdam from 2025

Eurostar's chief has threatened to scrap the rail route to the Netherlands from 2025 because of doubts over when Amsterdam's international terminal will reopen.

Eurostar says may scrap links to Amsterdam from 2025

“Could the Netherlands be temporarily cut off from one of the most essential rail links in Europe?” Gwendoline Cazenave asked in an editorial for Dutch business daily Het Financieele Dagblad on Wednesday.

The Dutch network was suffering “reliability problems, capacity restrictions and delays that are particularly inconvenient for passengers”, she argued.

The company could cut both its Amsterdam-Rotterdam-London and Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Paris routes in 2025, Cazanave’s editorial said.

“In the absence of clarity from the Dutch rail network (…), Eurostar will be forced to suspend connections between Amsterdam-Rotterdam and London and Paris during 2025”, warns Gwendoline Cazenave.

With Amsterdam’s main station undergoing extensive work since June the direct London route has temporarily closed.

Cazenave said that on various sections of track Eurostar trains had been forced to halve their speed to 80 kph since November.

Since the direct route to London was halted for a scheduled six months through to year’s end, passengers have had to disembark in Brussels for passport control before completing their journey.

The Amsterdam upgrade was meant to take six months, but Eurostar has deplored what it says is the lack of guarantees on a resumption date.

“Eurostar is fully prepared to reopen direct connections at the beginning of 2025, as planned,” said Cazenave.

But other work has also been announced from early 2025 in the station, which would limit the availability of platforms, she added. The London connection requires the station to also provide border control services, as since Brexit the lines crosses an EU external border. 

In 2023, Eurostar said it had carried a total 4.2 million passengers between the Netherlands and France, Britain and Belgium.

French national railway operator SNCF Voyageurs holds a majority stake in Eurostar.