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When is it actually spring in Norway? 

Depending on who you ask, spring is just around the corner in Norway. However, many will likely still experience cold, grey weather. So when should we expect it to feel like spring in Norway? 

Pictured is a view of Lofoten in Norway during the spring.
There are a number of signs of spring in Norway that may not appear until after the official start. Pictured is a view of Lofoten in Norway during the spring. Photo by Knut Troim on Unsplash

Spring is popularly considered to be the months of March, April and May, and plenty of things can help it feel like the country is finally leaving the winter behind – such as the clocks going forward. 

However, while the spring equinox (March 20th) may be considered the official start of the new season for many, it may still feel like winter. 

Some years, you may even get lucky and see it arrive in late February. 

In many places in Norway, snow on the ground could last well into March, and temperatures could remain in the single digits. 

The ‘natural’ start to spring

If you live in southern Norway, it’s a safer bet to assume that what typically feels like spring will arrive in April. Further north, or up in the mountains, you may have to wait for May. 

 This is when you can expect spring flowers to appear, the trees to bud, and birds to nest. 

The earliest sign of spring could be the first sighting of gåsunger, or catkins or goslings, on trees. These small, plump, furry collections of flowers bloom early, so they normally signal the early stages of spring. 

As plants and animals follow their natural cycles, so do humans. The beginning of spring could be considered the first weekend when patrons of bars and cafes decide it’s warm enough to enjoy a drink outside. 

Unfortunately, there can also be a false spring in Norway. After a weekend of enjoying an utepils (outdoor beer) or two, the country’s cities could slump back into hibernation as colder temperatures, rain, and even snow return. 

Using the sporting calendar

For many, it feels impossible to live in Norway without at least dipping their toes into sports and outdoor hobbies. 

Many may consider the start of spring as the period in which they can go hiking without snow and ice being an issue. 

This may be contentious, as spring is ironically also considered the best time for winter sports like skiing and cross-country skiing (which both remain popular into April). 

The less equipment and adaptation you need, the closer to spring it is. For a runner, this might mean running without spikes, reflective gear, water and windproof clothing, and not adapting their favoured routes to avoid snow, ice, puddles, and excessive amounts of grit. 

Spring also sees the return of professional and domestic football outdoors, too. For most, football will fire back up from the end of March to early April. 

Cities versus rural areas 

In cities, consider it spring when roadsides aren’t covered with grey snow/sludge and the pavements aren’t so covered in grit that you risk ruining your floors if you forget to take your shoes off indoors. 

Sadly, pavements in many cities might not be cleared of grit until the run-up to Constitution Day in Norway. 

For those who are into fashion, it can also be considered the time to wear their “good sneakers or shoes” again and change out of their winter beaters. 

The return of bikes and e-scooters to cities is also a sign that spring has sprung. Most typically pack away their bikes for the winter – especially as the winter weather can wreak havoc on a bike’s condition.

The state of the floors on public transport can be another sign that winter has given way to spring. If you aren’t gliding across a pool of brown sludge to get to your seat, then spring has arrived. 

Snow may be a reality of spring in rural and mountainous areas. If you see some shrubbery or greenery beneath the snow, it should hopefully be green rather than a rust orange or brown. 

As with cities, clothing is a great indicator. Have you been able to swap out the wool hat for a cap or headband? Do you need base layers if you will spend a lot of time outside? These are the sorts of questions that will determine whether it’s spring. 

If you are lucky enough to visit or live near a mountain resort, another sign of spring could be whether ski centres are hosting outdoor after-ski events. 

What do forecasters say? 

In Norway, the meteorological definition of spring is when the average daily temperature is between 0 and 10 degrees and rising. 

Due to this definition, there are actually several coastal areas that never have “winter” as a result.

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Why do Norwegians take such long summer holidays?

Summer in Norway sees offices nationwide come to a standstill as workers head out on three-week-long holidays. Have you ever wondered how summer holidays of at least three weeks became so popular?

Why do Norwegians take such long summer holidays?

Offices, cafes, shops, salons, and plenty of other business close for a few weeks in July, with other things such as public services becoming much harder to reach until the end of the month or beginning of August.

This is referred to as “fellesferie” or the “joint” or “collective” holiday when translated into English. Given how many take the holidays, large parts of Norway can feel surprisingly empty during the summer.

Syden is the affectionate Norwegian term to describe the Mediterranean destinations that are typically popular, although many will also choose to holiday in Sweden, Denmark, or a cabin in rural parts of Norway.

READ ALSO: How to enjoy summer in Norway like a Norwegian

When did Norwegians start taking such long holidays?

The practice dates back to the interwar years in Norway when employers and employee organisations agreed on a three-week collective holiday period.

This ended up being a win/win situation for both parties. For the companies, it was more practical and profitable to let all the workers take holidays at the same time and close their operations down completely.

The workers were allowed to enjoy time off when Norway typically expects (but doesn’t always get) its best weather.

The scheme made its way into other industries through collective bargaining agreements. Collective bargaining agreements have played a massive role in developing workers’ rights in Norway and continue to play an important role today.

Three-week-long holidays written into law

Workers’ rights in Norway are best described as a result of tripartite cooperation where employers, employee organisations and the government work together on matters regarding employment in the country. This is also referred to as the ‘Norwegian Model’.

This model has led to high levels of union membership in the country. Furthermore, the model has filled in gaps where there aren’t laws. For example, there is no universal minimum wage in Norway, the law only covers minimum wages in a handful of sectors.

Instead, unions strike collective bargaining agreements that cover minimum wages, working hours and conditions, and salary increases on behalf of members. Some non-members can also benefit from these to ensure that non-members don’t undercut workers in unions.

Sometimes, collective bargaining agreements covering working rights can lead to legislation later down the light. The right to annual leave in Norway began to develop around 1900, through union deals, but later through law.

Norway has its own Holiday Act these days. Under the law, workers in Norway have the right to at least 25 days of holiday per year. Some workers are entitled to more through their collective bargaining agreement.

Much like the initial right to holiday, the law was updated to allow more workers to enjoy a summer holiday. The Holiday Act means employees can demand up to three consecutive weeks off between the start of June and the end of September.

This means that even companies that do not shut up shop for the summer holidays will see large parts of the workforce disappear.

The other ten days of the year can be taken whenever you wish and can be used up in blocks or used individually.

Employers also have rights during fellesferie and can require employees to take a holiday during this period if the business reduces or closes operations during the “main holiday period.”

Workers can only refuse to take a holiday during this period if the holiday pay they have earned so far will not cover the loss of income during the holiday.