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Why property prices in Germany are likely to rise this year

Germany has seen a record drop in house prices recently. But there are signs that the market is turning around and prices could shoot up again soon.

Flats in Hamburg.
Flats in Hamburg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Daniel Bockwoldt

It’s fair to say that it’s been a turbulent couple of years on the housing market in Germany. 

Thanks to global uncertainties leading to rocketing inflation, a shaky economy and a significant rise in mortgage interest rates, property prices have generally been declining since 2022. 

But the tide may be starting to turn.

According to a study by real estate platform ImmoScout24, falling interest rates are sparking a desire to buy properties once again in Germany, fuelling demand.

READ ALSO: Germany sees record drop in property prices

People want to buy homes again 

ImmoScout said that asking prices in four out of the eight largest German cities are already above the previous year’s level.

“In view of stable interest rates and insufficient rental offers, the topic of buying property is once again coming to the fore,” said ImmoScout24 Managing Director Gesa Crockford. “Compared to the previous year, interest in buying property has risen considerably – by as much as 49 percent in the major cities.”

It means that the excess supply on the purchase market is decreasing. “We therefore assume that purchase prices will rise in the future,” said Crockford. 

After purchase demand peaked in 2021 and experienced a significant dip in 2022, interest in buying property picked up again in 2023 and has since risen again significantly across Germany, according to research. 

People walk along the Nymphenburg canal in Munich.

People walk along the Nymphenburg canal in Munich. It’s the most expensive city to buy property. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sven Hoppe

The trend is particularly evident in the major cities, where interest in buying – measured by contact enquiries on ImmoScout24 – has increased by 49 percent year-on-year. This trend can also be observed in the areas surrounding cities (up 31 percent), as well as in other cities (up 39 percent) and in rural areas (up 24 percent). Demand in all regions is therefore significantly higher than in the previous year.

What’s the picture on house prices?

In the first quarter of 2024, the average asking price for existing flats for sale across Germany rose by 0.6 percent quarter-on-quarter to €2,490 per square metre, according to the research by ImmoScout. That may not seem like a lot but it does signal that things could be starting to increase upwards after recent drops. 

Among the eight large cities, the strongest increase in the first quarter of 2024 compared to last quarter was seen in Cologne where asking prices for flats rose by 1.5 percent and Munich (up 1.3 percent). Prices only fell slightly in Düsseldorf – by 0.1 percent.

However, in general prices are still often lower than in the previous year. Across Germany, an existing flat (not a new-build) is being offered for a price around 2.5 percent cheaper than last year.

The year-on-year price reductions are even greater in Berlin (down 5.1 percent) and Frankfurt am Main (down 5.4 percent). Even in Düsseldorf (down 3.3 percent) and Cologne (down 2.6 percent), prices have not yet returned to the previous year’s level.

In contrast, however, asking prices in Leipzig have risen significantly compared to the previous year – by 3.4 percent. Meanwhile, they also rose slightly in Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart. 

In the first quarter of 2024, asking prices for new-build flats did not recover as strongly as prices for existing flats.

Across Germany, new-build prices fell by 0.5 percent quarter-on-quarter – in Munich by as much as 1.6 percent. Nevertheless, nowhere else in Germany is a square metre of living space as expensive as in the Bavarian capital. The average price for a new-build flat is a whopping €10,481 per square metre – around €3,500 more than in Stuttgart, the second most expensive city, where the price per square metre is €7,014.

READ ALSO: Can you get a mortgage in Germany without permanent residency?

Even in Leipzig, where the price per square metre for new-build flats is cheaper than in any other German large city at €5,003, the price is slightly lower than in the previous quarter (down 0.7 percent). Year-on-year, prices for new-build flats in Leipzig and Cologne rose by 5.3 percent. In Berlin, there was a price hike of 4.8 percent.

Prices for single-family homes in Germany show only minor fluctuations in a quarter-on-quarter comparison, both for existing (down 1 percent) and new builds ( down 0.5 percent). Compared to the previous quarter, Düsseldorf saw the strongest price growth in existing properties (up  0.9 percent), while Berlin saw the strongest growth in new builds (up 1.2 percent).

What’s going on in the rental market?

Although the analysis shows there’s a weaker price momentum on the rental market, the demand for flats is still high, resulting in a lot of pressure on those looking for a flat to rent in tight housing markets. So the outlook doesn’t look good for tenants. “Rental prices will continue to rise,” said ImmoScout24 expert Kristian Kehlert, adding: “Too little is being built.”

On average, existing flats were 1.7 percent more expensive to let at the beginning of the year than in the previous quarter. According to the figures, the price trend for new-build flats to rent was up 1.6 percent. The average basic rent for a two-bedroom flat with 70 square metres is around €599 per month for existing properties and €833 for new builds.

However, the cost of renting (as is the case with buying) varies considerably depending on the region. 

READ ALSO: Is there any hope for Berlin’s strained rental market?

Useful vocabulary:

Desire to buy – (die) Kauflust

Previous year’s level – (das) Vorjahresniveau

Price development – (die) Preisentwicklung 

Asking price – (der) Angebotspreis

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Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

Across Germany, rents have shot up in the last two years while property prices have fallen. Experts say this is making buying more attractive than renting at the moment.

Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

For several years, property prices in Germany rose at a much faster pace than rents. Between 2016 and 2022, the average price for apartments climbed by a dramatic 76.5 percent, according to an analysis by real estate company ImmoScout 24. During the same period, rents for flats rose by 26.8 percent.

Experts said this was due to comparatively low interest rates and high buyer demand along with limited supply – all of which caused the property market to explode. 

However, this trend has reversed over the past two years, with rental prices rising significantly more than purchase prices.

According to ImmoScout, falling property prices is a big factor. The price index for apartments fell by 9.4 percent between 2022 and 2024, while rents rose on average by 11.7 percent, reducing the difference in price development from a peak of 39.2 percent in 2022 to 12.9 percent this year.

At the same time, the strong pressure on the rental market has resulted in a considerable financial burden for tenants. An earlier ImmoScout analysis from March showed that rental flats in Germany’s 40 largest cities received 21 times more enquiries than owner-occupied flats.

In another study released in summer, real estate experts Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) found that asking rents for flats in the eight major cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Leipzig climbed by an average of 6.3 percent in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

READ ALSO: Rents still rising fast in major German cities

Real estate experts say it means buying a property in Germany has become more attractive.

“The sharp rise in rents in particular is making buying a property as an investment or home more and more attractive,” said Dr Gesa Crockford from ImmoScout. 

The index values for renting and buying have converged even more in Germany’s five largest cities – Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. 

Berlin prenzlauer Berg

Flats in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

The purchase price of existing flats rose by 65.5 percent between 2016 and 2021, while the rental price only increased by 21.6 percent. From the peak in 2021, prices for apartments have fallen by 2.1 percent, while rents have continued to rise by 28.9 percent. As a result, the gap in price development since 2016 has shrunk from 36.1 percent (2021) to 3.4 percent (2024).

People looking to rent in major cities are not only facing rising rents, but also fierce competition to snag an affordable place to live. 

“In the metropolises, buying has become increasingly worthwhile over the past two years,” said Crockford. “There, the difference between purchase and rental prices has levelled off from 30 percent and more to a low single-digit percentage range.”

Is it better to buy a home than rent?

Choosing to buy instead of renting is of course a personal decision and you have to consider several factors – including whether you can afford the mortgage and extra fees associated with house buying.

That said, property prices are expected to increase again slightly after the dip over the last two years.

READ ALSO: Is autumn 2024 the right time to buy a property in Germany?

However, it should also be noted that tenants rights are strong in Germany so renting can be a worthwhile and savvy way to go, if you can find a home that is affordable to you. 

That goes some way to explain why Germany has one of the lowest level of property ownership in the EU, with just over half of the population owning their own home.

Meanwhile, one study released in 2023 by credit insurer Allianz Trade found that buying property in Germany is “significantly more expensive than renting in Germany”.

Even if rents were raised by the legal maximum of 20 percent next year compared to 2023, the difference between average mortgage repayments and average rents would still come in at €381 per month, said the insurer. 

However, some buyers may consider a home an investment in the long term and rely on the value going up over time – though this, of course, is not guaranteed. 

READ ALSO: How the cost of renting in Germany compares to home ownership