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What are the rules for taking annual leave in Norway?

If you've just started working in Norway or if you've been employed in the country for a while but need clarification on its annual leave rules, this is what you need to know.

If you're unfamiliar with how the rules governing annual leave work under Norwegian law, here's what you need to know. Photo by Wallace Fonseca on Unsplash

While annual leave isn’t among the top reasons people usually decide to move to Norway and work there, it is an important component of Norwegian work and social culture.

Compared to some other European countries, Norway has quite a generous annual leave policy, which ensures that workers have enough time to rest and recover from the stress of their jobs.

READ MORE: How to maximise Norway’s public holidays in 2024 – five essential tricks

The basic annual leave quota – and holiday pay

As an employee in Norway, you have both a right and a duty to take your annual holiday, and every employee in the country is entitled to at least 25 working days of annual leave each year.

This quota includes Saturdays as working days, which equates to approximately four weeks and one day of holiday per calendar year (Sundays and public holidays are not counted as working days).

When it comes to holiday pay, workers need to accumulate their holiday pay rights in their first year of employment.

Thus, as the amount of holiday pay you get is a collective monthly percentage of what you have made in the past year, you will not have earned holiday pay if you were not employed the previous year. 

However, you are still entitled to take leave days.

If you want to learn more about how holiday pay works in Norway, check out The Local’s explainer on the issue.

Collective agreements and additional holidays

While the minimum quota of 25 days of holidays is in place, employees can get even more holiday days than this legally required minimum.

Many workers in Norway are entitled to a five-week holiday through a collective agreement or separate agreements with their employer. This extra time off is often accompanied by an increased holiday pay rate.

Furthermore, if you’re nearing retirement, you’re in luck, as all employees aged 60 or over are entitled to an extra week of holidays.


You should discuss your holiday schedule with your employer well in advance – be sure to do so before booking a vacation outside of Norway. Photo by Hanna Kretsu on Unsplash

How to schedule and take leave in Norway

Per Norwegian laws, employers must ensure all employees take full annual leave.

It’s a good idea to have a chat with your boss about your holiday plans well in advance.

If you can’t agree on dates, your boss gets the final say on when you can take time off.

But don’t worry, in Norway, you’re guaranteed at least three weeks of continuous vacation time between June 1st and September 30th.

If you prefer, the rest of your holiday days can also be lumped together without any breaks.

Note that your boss can ask you to give them a heads-up about your vacation plans at least two months beforehand.

The relevant sections of the Norwegian Holiday Act, available here and here, provide more details on holiday scheduling and duration.

What you need to know about fellesferie 

The term fellesferie is used for the collective vacation period or general staff holiday period that many Norwegian companies stick to, typically occurring in July.

The concept of fellesferie is a tradition – companies aren’t legally obligated to adhere to it – but, in practice, you’ll find that may do. The Local has an entire article on how this tradition started and what makes it special.

How do holidays work if you’re ill – or on parental leave?

Of course, special situations and life events may also occur during or before your holidays.

If you fall ill before or during your leave, you may have a right to a new holiday – or to postpone your holiday.

Should you become sick before your holiday, you can ask your employer to postpone it until later in the holiday year.

You’ll need to get a medical certificate to prove that you’re ill and submit an official request for postponement by no later than the day before the holiday starts.

The right to defer or be granted a new holiday only applies to the statutory holiday period.

As an employee, you have the right, but not an obligation, to take statutory holidays during the period of leave when you receive parental benefit.

If you choose to defer it, the leave will be deferred by a period corresponding to your holiday.

Can I carry leave days forward – or take my leave in advance?

If you reach an agreement with your employer, you can also carry forward up to two weeks of the statutory holiday to the following year.

Similarly, you can also take up to two weeks of your holiday in advance.

However, make sure to check your employment contract (and collective agreement, if you fall under one), as the rules concerning the carrying forward of holiday and advance holiday may be set differently based on these contracts.

READ MORE: What is a Norwegian collective bargaining agreement?

If you have an agreement that allows you to have extra holiday days on top of the statutory holiday quota, you can also agree with your employer that these additional holidays can be carried forward to the following year.

If you’re changing jobs, know that if you do not take your holidays during the current year before your employment ceases and move to a new employer before September 30th of the same year, you will be entitled to take your remaining holiday with your new employer.

For more information on the specifics of the holiday rules in Norway, consult the Norwegian Holiday Act (available in English).

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Everything you need to know about Norway’s ferry connections

Norway's extensive coastline, with its numerous fjords and islands, makes ferries an essential mode of transportation.

Everything you need to know about Norway's ferry connections

Whether you’re a local commuting to work or a tourist exploring the country’s famed fjords and islands, Norway’s ferry connections are an almost unavoidable part of the journey.

In regions like western and northern Norway, travellers often depend on ferries and express boats to navigate the rugged landscape.

READ MORE: Where in Norway has the best public transport?

Opting for a ferry can significantly shorten travel times, making it a practical and affordable choice for many journeys.

However, using a ferry is not just a practical necessity; it’s one of the highlights of visiting Norway.

The upsides, and challenges, of using ferries in Norway

The Norwegian landscape can make overland travel challenging and time-consuming.

That’s why ferries are so popular in the country. They connect towns, villages, and islands of all sizes.

Norway’s ferry network – with over 100 connections – supports island-hoppers and commuters, allowing travellers to tailor their itineraries to their needs.

Typically, boarding ferries in most of the country is no problem if you arrive 25 minutes before your scheduled departure.

However, during the summer, some of the most popular routes can have long queues, so it is advisable to arrive earlier.

Routes like Geiranger–Hellesylt, Lauvvik–Lysebotn, Bognes-Lødingen, and Bodø-Moskenes are especially busy, and planning ahead can ensure a smoother journey.

READ MORE: What you need to know about island hopping in Oslo

Furthermore, many terminals are conveniently equipped with webcams so you can check for queues.

Navigating the ferry system in Norway is straightforward, as the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) provides comprehensive information on routes, departure times, and traffic reports on its website.

Ferry prices

Ferries in Norway are an economical means of transport.

For short journeys, you can expect to pay between 30 and 40 kroner as a passenger on foot. If you’re driving a car, the cost will amount to 65-100 kroner.

If you’re embarking on a short sea journey, expect to pay around 45 kroner as a foot passenger and 130 kroner as a driver with a car.

Most ferry services use an automatic payment system for drivers, simplifying the boarding process, while passengers on foot can usually pay ferry conductors.

Note: Some of the smaller, less busy lines are completely free – or offered at a 50% reduced price.

More on that below.

Free ferries – a recent governmental initiative

Starting in July and August, 2023, the Norwegian government introduced a measure to provide free ferry journeys on routes with less than 100,000 passengers annually.

For more detailed information, including a complete list of free ferry connections, you can visit the government’s website.

This initiative, aimed to improve accessibility for residents and support the economic viability of island communities.

This measure primarily benefits island residents who rely on ferries as their only link to the mainland, especially in the context of helping those who must frequently travel for necessities such as groceries, medical appointments, and education.

Commuters who use these ferry routes for work also benefitted from this initiative, as it made it somewhat more feasible for people to live on islands while working on the mainland, supporting populations in island communities.

Tourists visiting Norway’s scenic islands also benefitted from this affordable travel option.

Lastly, local businesses, particularly those involved in tourism and transportation, have seen positive impacts from this policy. However, this has resulted in some challenges in some island communities.

Drawbacks to free ferries?

Some regions have faced downsides due to the introduction of free ferry services. In parts of regions like western Norway, the number of ferry departures has been slashed to accommodate the new free ferry policy.

This reduction in services leads to longer waiting times and less flexibility for both locals and tourists. The decreased frequency of departures is particularly problematic during weekends, holidays, and peak tourist season when demand is high.

Travellers may encounter long queues and miss connections, disrupting their plans.

Marina Mihaljevic, a resident of the Austevoll archipelago in western Norway who works at the Institute of Marine Research, told The Local Norway that the free ferries have increased traffic on the remaining departure slots.

“It’s positive that we don’t pay, but increased traffic is definitely a problem. Considering that the Sandvikvåg-Husavik line is also free, the traffic of trucks and cars with camper vans has increased because it is cheaper for them to go across the islands to get to Bergen than to take the Sandvikvåg-Bergen line… It has never been the case that so many cars remain in front of the ferry and don’t manage to get on board as is the case now. People have to get there more than half an hour earlier to be reasonably sure they’ll be able to catch the ferry. The pressure is especially high on weekends and holidays when the queues at Krokeide are huge,” Mihaljevic said.

She also noted that the biggest problem was “the lack of night lines” and the fact that “the last ferry is at 10:35pm from the islands to Krokeide and at 11:20pm from Krokeide to the island,” which makes reaching the airport in Bergen quite tricky.

“For those who often travel by air, the problem of going to and from Flesland Airport in Bergen is notable. It’s the same with the first morning ferry, which is at 5:55 am,” she told The Local.