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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

Man injured in shooting south of Stockholm, Sweden launches new digital passport checks for residence permit applicants from 23 countries, and Sweden Democrats willing to discuss banning political parties' anonymous social media accounts. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Monday
A man was found injured in a shooting in an apartment block in Flemingsberg, south of Stockholm. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Man injured in apartment shooting south of Stockholm

Police are investigating after a man, described as being in his 60s, was injured in a shooting in Flemingsberg, south of Stockholm, at around 9pm on Sunday.

The state of his injuries was not immediately known and no arrests had been reported by the time of publication.

According to unconfirmed reports to the Aftonbladet tabloid, the man was shot through the door after the shooter knocked on the door and said he had a food delivery.

He was, according to Aftonbladet, not believed to have been the intended victim, but a relative of his was the target of another recent shooting.

Police confirmed the shooting had happened “in connection to an apartment” when asked by the TT news agency.

Swedish vocabulary: a food delivery – en matleverans

Sweden launches new digital passport check for residence permit applicants

In a new scheme by the Migration Agency, applicants for a Swedish work or student permit will be able to verify their passport digitally instead of having to travel to a Swedish embassy – but so far only if they come from one of the 23 countries involved in the pilot.

“Some applicants will now be able to download an app, scan their passport and perform facial recognition to identify themselves for their residence permit applications for studies and work,” said Fredrik Larsson, from the Migration Agency’s foreign operations unit, in a statement.

Applicants who may be able to take part in the pilot scheme, including those who have already made an application but haven’t yet shown their passport, will receive an automated email a few days after applying, containing a link to an e-service that’s valid for one week.

Freja eID Group AB, which is one of the companies that provide digital IDs in Sweden, will carry out the check.

The new scheme is expected to benefit around 19,000 work permit applicants and 5,000 students a year from the following countries: USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Chile, Singapore, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Georgia, Ukraine, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Albania, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Swedish vocabulary: a passport – ett pass

Sweden Democrats willing to discuss ban on anonymous accounts run by political parties

Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Åkesson told public broadcaster SVT’s Agenda that he would be willing to discuss banning political parties from using anonymous social media accounts, but that his party had no intention of scrapping its anonymous accounts for now. 

His comments came after TV4 Kalla Fakta went undercover to reveal that the party operates a far-right troll factory that shares, among other things, anti-immigration content and smear campaigns against other parties, including its supposed allies in the right-wing government. The news prompted Liberal party leader Johan Pehrson to call for an inquiry into banning anonymous accounts run by political parties.

Åkesson said he would be open to discussing the proposal, but added: “I have a hard time seeing how you would carry out the proposal in practice. Should it apply to anyone who has a connection to a political party and is on social media?”

He also said that he found most of the content produced by the accounts linked to the troll factory harmless. Some of the material spread includes white power propaganda, which the Sweden Democrats last week said had been created by a junior employee who didn’t understand what kind of material he was spreading, reported anti-fascism magazine Expo.

Swedish vocabulary: an account – ett konto

Spring flood warning in northern Sweden

Sweden’s weather agency SMHI is warning that the Nedre Torneälven and Nedre Kalixälven rivers in northern Sweden may burst their banks following a spring flood caused by fast-melting snow. 

This could include flooding of roads and buildings, it says.

“As water levels increase along with river flows, flooding can occur along the river. The river flows are still rising and are expected to peak between the 20th and the 22nd of May,” reads the orange-level warning (the second most serious) on SMHI’s website.

A less serious yellow warning of high water discharge is also in place for the entire Norrbotten region. 

Swedish vocabulary: a spring flood – en vårflod

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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Imprisoned Swedish-Iranian academic to go on hunger strike, landslide-hit motorway set to be re-inaugurated, and Taylor Swift provides million-kronor boost to Stockholm economy. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Imprisoned Swedish-Iranian academic set to go on hunger strike

Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Djalali, who is on death row in Iran over what human rights groups consider to be fabricated charges of espionage, will begin a hunger strike on Wednesday, his wife, Vida Mehrannia, told The Local and other Swedish media. 

The hunger strike is in protest of being left out of a controversial prisoner exchange with Iran, which saw two other Swedish citizens return home this month. The Swedish government has argued it tried to get Djalali out too, but Iran refused to discuss his case.

“Ahmadreza now feels he had no option but to go on hunger strike. He has already suffered nearly 3,000 days of unimaginable torment in Iran’s dungeons and is in extremely poor health. He suffers from several medical conditions including heart arrhythmias, bracycardia, hypotension, chronic gastritis, anemia, and extreme weight loss following his previous two hunger strikes,” said Mehrannia.

“This hunger strike is highly life threatening, Ahmadreza knows this better than anyone else – but he sees no other option. This physician, loving husband, and father of two, wants to be reunited with his family. He wants to serve society once more as a dedicated doctor. He wants to be recognised and treated as a human being again. Ahmadreza is now pleading to the world for help. He needs this endless brutality to end. Please hear his anguished plea and amplify his voice with yours,” she added.

Amnesty International has called on Sweden’s government to “do everything” to ensure Djalali can return.

Swedish vocabulary: a hunger strike – en hungerstrejk

Landslide-hit motorway set to be re-inaugurated

King Carl XVI Gustaf will cut the ribbon at a ceremony declaring the E6 motorway again fit for use, reports Swedish public radio broadcaster P4 Väst.

The normally busy road has been closed to traffic at Stenungsund since September last year, when a massive landslide carried with it large chunks of the motorway, causing significant damage. Through a stroke of luck, it happened late at night and there were no fatalities.

The inauguration ceremony is set to take place on Wednesday next week, but the motorway won’t immediately reopen.

“We haven’t announced that date yet. There’s still some work to do, and before we know when that is finished we can’t say the exact date,” Camilla Hentschel, a spokesperson for the Swedish Transport Administration, told P4 Väst.

The Transport Administration has previously said it believes the road will reopen to traffic the second week of July.

Swedish vocabulary: a landslide – ett jordskred

Taylor Swift provides million-kronor boost to Stockholm economy

Taylor Swift’s three gigs in Stockholm in May gave the capital’s economy a boost, reports broadcaster TV4.

Swift’s visit generated 848 million kronor in tourism revenue, according to analysts Upplevelseinstitutet on behalf of Stockholm City Council, resulting in an extra 431 million kronor in tax revenue.

A total of 131,000 tourists descended on Stockholm for Swift’s concerts, and spent their money on hotel rooms, restaurant visits and entertainment.

Swedish vocabulary: money – pengar

For sale: Swedish land for 1 krona per square metre – on one condition

Located on the southern shore of Lake Vänern, Götene municipality, which is struggling with an ageing population and low birth figures, is looking to tempt more people to move to the area by offering buyers to pay just one krona per square metre of land.

“Absolutely anyone is welcome to buy one of the plots,” said mayor Johan Månsson. “There are no rules or requirements as to who is allowed to buy one. It would be absolutely fantastic if we could get people from abroad interested in buying plots here, too.”

The only requirement for interested buyers is that they must begin construction on their plot within two years of the purchase date, otherwise it will be given back to the municipality.

The campaign will be running throughout 2024 and 2025, Månsson said.

“After that it probably won’t be continued, as the economy will most likely go back to normal. But, of course, we’ll discuss that in the future.”

Swedish vocabulary: to buy – att köpa