Sweden to help keep Ukraine’s power plants running in face of Russian attacks

A new Swedish aid package for Ukraine will help secure the country's energy supply as it defends itself against Russia's attacks.

Sweden to help keep Ukraine's power plants running in face of Russian attacks
Sweden's Foreign Aid Minister Johan Forsell. Photo: Lars Schröder/TT

“Access to energy is essential for Ukrainian society, the economy and businesses to continue to function,” Swedish Aid Minister Johan Forssell told reporters.

“Russia is increasingly focusing its attacks on Ukraine’s energy system in a bid to knock out important infrastructure. To boost Ukraine’s resilience, we are therefore increasing our aid for the energy sector,” he said.

Russian forces have recently been targeting Ukrainian regions and towns far from the front lines, using drones and guided missiles and focusing primarily on energy infrastructure to cause power outages.

The Swedish aid of 650 million kronor ($62 million) will primarily go toward generators, transformers and solar cells, Forssell said.

It will also be used for spare parts such as electrical switches, cables, pumps and pipes.

“The goal is simple: for power plants to be able to produce electricity,” Forssell said.

Last week, the Swedish government announced civilian and military aid worth 75 billion kronor over three years, from 2024 to 2026, to support Kyiv “as long as necessary.”

That brings Sweden’s overall aid to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in 2022 to more than 100 billion kronor, making Kyiv the biggest recipient of Swedish aid.

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Sweden pledges another $443 million in military aid to Ukraine

Sweden said there are no firm plans at the moment to send fighter jets to Ukraine, as it donated another $443 million including assault crafts and air defence systems.

Sweden pledges another $443 million in military aid to Ukraine

The 4.6-billion-kronor package is the Nordic country’s 17th aid package to Ukraine, bringing the total value of Sweden’s military aid pledged to Ukraine since the 2022 Russian invasion to 48.1 billion kronor.

The latest package would include six CB90 (Combat Boat 90) naval assault crafts and portable anti-air systems as well as ammunition for previously donated weaponry, including for the infantry fighting vehicle CV90.

In addition, the package included additional AT4 recoilless anti-tank launchers.

Half of the package was dedicated to the procurement of parts for the construction of Sweden’s Gripen fighter jet, though the government stressed that “at the moment” there were no plans for the transfer of Swedish fighter jets to Ukraine.

But the country said it wanted to be prepared for when the time comes.

“We have been advised by the fighter jet coalition that right now it prefers to focus on the introduction of the F-16 into Ukraine,” Defence Minister Pål Jonson told AFP.

Previously, Sweden has sent its Archer mobile artillery system, 50 of its CV90 armoured combat vehicles as well as “around 10” Leopard 2 tanks and anti-air missile systems.