Wildfires, mortgages, and the beach: 6 essential articles for life in France

Wildfire legislation for property-owners, must-visit beaches in the south-west, how digital health space Mon Espace works, how to get a French mortgage, and useful linguistic tics – The Local’s must-reads this week cover a lot of ground...

A house near Bordeaux damaged by wildfire.
A house near Bordeaux damaged by wildfire. (Photo by PHILIPPE LOPEZ / AFP)

It may be hard to believe, given the weather we’ve had recently, but it was the start of meteorological summer on Saturday. And forecasters, as far as they can, reckon we’re in for a hot summer in France. Parts of the country are highly susceptible to wildfires, and there are strict laws in place for property owners to minimise the risk to property. We explain those rules here.

Wildfire prevention: The legal obligations for French property owners

Speaking of summer, the impending holiday season brings with it a rush to France’s beaches. Unsurprisingly, some are better than others. The Local’s American in Paris Genevieve Mansfield has put together a list of must-visit and must-avoid plages in the south west of the country. 

The best (and worst) beaches in south-west France

Parisians, the 2024 Olympic Games are coming! You may have heard rumours of a little sporting event taking place in the capital this summer. It’s going to have an impact on the city’s public transport system, including – notably – ticket prices for the duration. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered with some ‘hacks’ (as the young kids say) to help you avoid the worst of the price hikes. But time’s running out…

How Paris residents can avoid public transport price hikes during 2024 Olympics

After a slow start, France has gone all-in on the digital world. It’s increasingly becoming easier to carry out a host of administrative tasks, from banking to applying for a driving licence from the comfort of home via your computer or smartphone. Here, we take a look at the online healthcare service Mon Espace Santé, which allows you to keep your medical information in one place and share information with your doctors.

Mon Espace Santé: France’s digital health service explained

France has fairly strict rules for those seeking a mortgage, including tight limits on minimum income and maximum loan length – here’s how it works.

French property: How to get a mortgage in France

You’ve probably already discovered that speaking to authentic French people in real-life everyday situations is nothing like as smooth as textbooks may have you believe. Conversations dive off at tangents, and are littered with verbal tics. Here, we explain what a few of them mean, and how you can use them to sound more authentically French and less like a stunned honour-roll student.

16 phrases to make your French sound more authentically local

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How to avoid the latest text message scam in France

A new and authentic-seeming text message scam is circulating in France. Here is how you can avoid it.

How to avoid the latest text message scam in France

A new text message scam is making the rounds in France, according to French radio channel RMC, citing information from the website

Many people with French phone numbers have reported receiving an SMS allegedly from a delivery person, telling them that the package they were waiting for “did not fit into the mailbox”.

In French, it may read something like “votre colis est trop gros pour votre boîte aux lettres” or “votre colis ne rentrait pas dans la boite aux lettres“.

READ MORE: What to do if you have fallen victim to a scam in France

Then, the recipient is told to click a link that would give them a time slot to pick up the package (“Merci de choisir un créneau via …”)

The fake link appears to take the recipient to a Mondial Relay or other similar looking package pick-up website, and then the user is expected to enter personal information, including banking details, to arrange a new delivery. 

The scam is convincing because it’s similar to the genuine messages – it’s common to get a text message telling you that a parcel has been delivered, or if you are not home the company will contact you to arrange another pick-up time or location. 

In order to tell whether the message is a scam, you should verify the delivery rules for the company you are using.

For example, if you scheduled the delivery with Mondial Relay, then the package would not be brought to your home (unless you live outside of France) but rather to a specified relay point or self-service locker. 

READ MORE: Warning: 6 of the most common scams in France to watch out for

Other companies, like Chronopost, may deliver to your home, but they include send information to show proof of the order, such as the package number and your name within the text message.

Avoiding scams

This is not the only type of text message scam in France. There are several others, and many of them are related to packages or the postal service. 

If you have any concerns about the validity of a text message, you can always consult the website, or the French government site 

Do not click the links provided if you have any doubt about the message. A key giveaway is that the scam sites and emails tend to ask users to pay for services that would normally be free on real sites.

Similarly, pay attention to any notice of an anti-virus notification. If the website popped up with a warning that it may be dangerous to click links or that it may contain a virus, then take additional steps to verify its legitimacy before opening.

RMC reported that one person who clicked the link said: “I received an alert message from Safari saying ‘This connection is not private. This website may be trying to pass itself off as in order to obtain your personal or financial information'”.

You can also report scams or illegal content on the internet at Pharos, the government’s official portal for reporting illegal internet content.