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How can I volunteer on a farm in Austria?

Austria is known for its organic and sustainable farming. If you want to learn more about it as a volunteer on a farm, you have many great possibilities in beautiful locations. Here is how you get involved.

How can I volunteer on a farm in Austria?
Woman working with plantation on a farm. Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Volunteering on a farm in Austria can teach you many things. It is a great way to learn about not only Austrian farming but also Austrian culture, traditions, and rural life. Plus, many of the country’s farms are situated in stunning locations, such as in the mountains or near beautiful lakes.

Farming is an important sector in Austria, and it is characterised by its strong focus on sustainability and organic practices, which are supported by government policies.

Austria was one of the first countries in Europe to recognise the benefits of organic farming, and is today considered to be Europe’s number one organic country when it comes to farming. Austrian consumers highly appreciate organic products and have remained loyal to them, despite the rising prices in recent years.

How do you get involved?

The majority of Austrian farms are small and family-run, which offers a great opportunity for volunteers to be part of a community and learn about farming in a smaller and more personal setting. 

Most of the farms looking for helpers offer the same concept: you work on their farm, learn about their way of farming, and receive accommodation and food in return.

WWOOF Austria and Workaway are two of the largest organisations organising volunteering on farms in Austria. After becoming a member, you create a profile where you describe yourself, your experiences with farming, and what kind of experience you are looking for. When your profile is set, you can search for different farms and contact them directly through a message where you present yourself and ask for possible working days.

There are also other possibilities available in Austria which offer volunteers contact with farms, such as SalzburgerLand Tourism, which gives you the possibility to experience farming within the region, and Freiwillig am Bauernhof, an organisation which creates possibilities for you to work on farms in Styria, Vorarlberg, and Tyrol.

Many farms also welcome individual requests without the use of an organisation. All you need to do is to find a suitable farm and contact them directly. 

If you want to use WWOOF Austria, the membership fee is €25 per year. Using Workaway costs you €49 per year.

If you volunteer at a farm you can learn about different methods of milking cows. Photo by Stijn te Strake on Unsplash

Different types of farms

In Austria, you have many types of farms to choose from.

You have dairy farms, which specialise in milk production. Here, the focus is on caring for the cows and processing high-quality dairy products. Working at a dairy farm gives you the opportunity to learn about different methods for milking cows, monitoring the cows’ health, and understanding how dairy farming can be sustainable.

The many vineyards in Austria also offer great possibilities for volunteers. Here, you learn about grape cultivation, soil management, and all the different aspects of wine production.

If you instead want to work on a fruit orchard, you can take part in growing different sorts of fruits and learn about plant care, soil and nutrient management, and harvesting.

At a vegetable farm, you can enjoy growing a wide range of different vegetables. You can learn about crop rotation, soil health, and pest management.

If you want to work with animals, finding a livestock farm might be the best idea. Here, you can learn about the care and maintenance of animals. You can easily find specific farms for the types of animals you would like to work with.

In case you are interested in a little bit of everything mentioned above, volunteering at a mixed farm might be something for you. Mixed farms combine various types of farming, and you can work with everything from taking care of animals to harvesting fruits or wine production.

READ NEXT: How can I find volunteer work in Austria?

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What tenants in Austria need to know about getting their rent reduced

From construction noise to broken utilities, various issues can allow tenants in Austria to request a rent reduction. Learn the steps to follow and when legal action might be necessary.

What tenants in Austria need to know about getting their rent reduced

In Austria, tenants can legally request rent reductions if their rental property’s usability is significantly impaired. 

According to MieterHilfe, the association that helps renters in Vienna, Section 1096 of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) regulates this. The ABGB covers rental agreements for all properties. 

The law offers protection when tenants experience issues like heavy construction noise or utility outages (such as gas, electricity, or water). However, knowing when and how to apply for a rent reduction and understanding the process can be tricky. Disputes often end up in court and are decided on a case-by-case basis.

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When you can ask for a rent reduction

If your rental property’s usability is restricted, you can apply for a rent reduction. Common examples of restricted usability often include disruptions in gas, electricity, or water supplies, major construction noise from remodelling, damage to property that prevents proper use, such as a broken heating system, and more. 

Importantly, tenants can claim a rent reduction even if the landlord is not directly responsible for the impairment. However, the extent of the usability issue must be clear, and the tenant must notify the landlord to allow them to fix the problem. Additionally, if a tenant repairs the issue, the rent reduction period ends as soon as the repair is made.

Not all impairments qualify for a rent reduction, though. For example, minor inconveniences or defects, issues that the tenant was aware of when signing the lease, impairments caused by the tenant’s actions and situations where the tenant has already waived the right to a reduction do not count.

An attic room can get extremely hot without air conditioning (Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki on Unsplash)

If there is a dispute, the court will decide the extent of the rent reduction, considering objective and subjective factors. For example, households with small children or pregnant women might receive higher reductions.

READ ALSO: Tenant or landlord: Who pays which costs in Austria?

MieterHilfe has a table with many recent cases that can give you an idea of the causes of rent reduction and the amount tenants received. For example, in one case in Vienna, the flat had significant mould infestation, and the tenants received a 75 percent rental reduction. In another case, rent was reduced by 30 percent because of “unhealthy odours” from the rubbish room that affected half of the flat.

In one case, dangerous electrical cables were accessible inside the flat, and the tenant did not have to pay any rent until the issue was fixed.

Things get more complicated when it comes to noise. In one case in 2005, the tenant got a 15 percent rent reduction due to the consequences (noise and smell nuisance) of a garage construction in the neighbouring property, but not a reduction when the next-door property was doing “normal construction work.”

Another common complaint tenants have is regarding heat, especially in Dachgeschoss apartments (attic apartments), which can get extremely hot due to the lack of ventilation and their location in buildings. In one case, the air conditioning system was positioned so unfavourably that the rooms were not cooled —the tenant got a 6 percent reduction in rent.

In another, though, the complaint regarding excessive heating was dismissed, and the tenant received no reduction because they had rented the room without any reservation or questioning, even though the place had no sun protection or air conditioning.

READ ALSO: What happens when my rental contract expires in Austria?

Legal action and rent payment strategies

Tenants must be cautious when pursuing rent reductions, the renter’s association say. Two approaches are commonly used.

You can continue paying the total rent while negotiating. The tenant informs the landlord about the issue and continues paying the total rent but reserves the right to claim a reduction later. This can be useful in avoiding eviction risks.

Or, they can reduce rent directly. This means the tenant pays a reduced amount but informs the landlord in writing. If the landlord disagrees, they may take legal action, and the court will decide the appropriate – if any – reduction.

In both cases, it is essential to notify the landlord in a verifiable form, such as a registered letter, to ensure the process is documented.