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Tell us: What can Denmark do to make the country more inclusive?

What do you think could be done to make Denmark a more inclusive place? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Tell us: What can Denmark do to make the country more inclusive?
How easy is it to break into Danish society as a foreigner? Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

The Local has written on several occasions about aspects of life in Denmark that might make foreigners feel excluded, such as a lack of openness towards strangers, as well as serious issues like racism, but we also want to encourage constructive discussion, so we’re asking what our readers think to help make your voice heard in the public debate.

Please fill out the survey below to have your say, or click here if the survey doesn’t show for you.

We may use your answers in a future article on The Local.


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TELL US: How are you affected by persistent high food prices in Denmark?

Food prices are an average of 22 percent higher than they were at the start of 2022, although some products have seen less of an increase in cost than others. Has this affected your daily life?

TELL US: How are you affected by persistent high food prices in Denmark?

Food is, in general, a lot more expensive in Denmark than it used to be. However, wages have also increased or are scheduled to increase in the coming years, in response to the inflation that hit the country in 2022.

Meanwhile, some food products have proved more resistant to price rises than others.

READ ALSO: IN CHARTS: Which foods in Denmark have gone up in price the least?

We’d like to know how the situation has affected you. Do you eat differently now compared to when food was less costly? Do you avoid certain items? Do you have less disposable income or do you feel unaffected?

Take a look at the survey below and let us know what you think. If the survey doesn’t display in your browser, CLICK HERE.