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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Imprisoned researcher Ahmadreza Djalali accuses Swedish PM of leaving him behind, Sweden Democrat leader 'self-critical' after election fiasco, and cigarettes set to become more expensive. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
Ahmadreza Djalali's wife Vida Mehrannia outside the Swedish foreign ministry, demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson or Foreign Minister Tobias Billström. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

‘Why not me, after 3,000 days?’ Djalali’s video message to Swedish PM

Ahmadreza Djalali, the Swedish Karolinska Institute researcher who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2016 on charges of espionage, addressed Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson directly in a video message, shown by Swedish public broacaster SVT among others.

“Mr Prime Minister,” he says. “I talk to you from Evin Prison inside a horrible cave where I have spent eight years and two months, almost 3,000 days, of my life.”

Djalali’s wife, Vida Mehrannia, who is now protesting every day outside the Swedish foreign ministry until she gets a meeting with Kristersson or Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, has criticised the government for not including him in a controversial prisoner swap which saw the release of two other Swedes this week. Swedish authorities say Iran refuses to discuss his case as he is a dual national.

“Mr Prime Minister, you decided to leave me behind under huge risk of being executed in Evin. You left me here helpless. Why not me, after 3,000 days?” says Djalali in the video, calling the decision discrimination and challenging Kristersson to meet his family in front of the press.

Billström told SVT that the Swedish government had tried to include Djalali in the prisoner swap but that Iran had refused. 

Swedish vocabulary: helpless – hjälplös

‘I have to be self-critical’: Sweden Democrat leader after election fiasco

Sweden Democrat party leader Jimmie Åkesson spoke about the party’s surprisingly poor performance in his first interview since the EU election. It was the first major election in which the far-right party had a worse result than previous elections, ending up in fourth place.

“Most pundits had expected us to increase, all polls showed that. It was an unexpected event,” he told SVT’s news programme Aktuellt.

He conceded that the Sweden Democrats had failed to get its voters to the polls, but said it was too soon to say why they had failed.

Some theories are that its voters responded negatively to references to “The Great Replacement Theory” – a conspiracy theory used by white power movements – in the run-up to the election, or to its tough talk after a TV4 documentary revealed the party’s “troll factory”.

Another theory is that it’s the effect of no longer being in opposition and being held responsible for decisions.

“Of course I have to be self-critical when we have a bad election. But it’s too soon to say which part of it was bad,” said Åkesson.

He said he looked forward to entering a “new phase, with a focus on issues”.

Swedish vocabulary: issues – sakfrågor

‘Snus’ set to become cheaper, and cigarettes more expensive

The Swedish parliament has approved a proposal to lower the tax on snus – the moist tobacco a lot of Swedes like to stick underneath their upper lip.

Meanwhile, smoking will become more expensive with a nine percent tax hike on cigarettes.

The new taxes will come into force on November 1st this year.

Swedish vocabulary: to smoke – att röka

Sweden raises work permit salary threshold by over a thousand kronor

Statistics Sweden on Tuesday released new median salary figures, effectively pushing up the work permit salary threshold for all new applicants.

On November 1st last year the minimum salary that applicants need to earn in order to be eligible for a Swedish work permit was raised to 80 percent of Sweden’s median salary. At the time the median salary was 34,200 kronor a month, giving a salary threshold of 27,360 kronor.

But in an update on June 18th, the median salary was pushed up to 35,600 kronor. 

This means work permit applicants (including both first-time applications and extensions) applying on this date or later will need to earn a total of 28,480 kronor a month in order to qualify for a work permit.

The Local is answering your questions about the new threshold in this article.

Swedish vocabulary: a threshold – en tröskel

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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Torrential rain set to batter south-eastern Sweden on Friday, Gotland mayor proposes tourist tax for summer visitors, and a new ranking reveals the best – and worst – places to live in Sweden.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Torrential rain set to batter south-eastern Sweden on Friday

After sunshine comes rain.

Sweden’s heatwave had barely ended when weather agency SMHI warned of a downpour set to batter the south-east.

The yellow warning covers an area including cities such as Stockholm, Västerås, Örebro, Norrköping, Växjö, Kalmar and Karlskrona.

“A front brings heavy rain or thundershowers during Friday, locally hail may also occur. 30-60 millimetres of rain can fall in a short time. The heaviest showers look set to come during the afternoon and evening,” said SMHI in an update on its website.

There’s a risk of flooded basements, stormwater systems, roads and viaducts.

Swedish vocabulary: a downpour – ett skyfall

Top candidates abandon failed Swedish party Folklistan

Folklistan, a new party started up by ousted Christian Democrat MEP Sara Skyttedal and former Social Democrat MP Jan Emanuel this spring, with the aim of grabbing a spot in the European Parliament, received just 0.6 percent of votes in the May election. 

Emanuel is now leaving the party and hopes to rejoin the Social Democrats.

“I tried to change things and it went straight to hell,” he said, speaking on newspaper Expressen’s stage at Sweden’s annual political festival, Almedalen Week. “I thought that if we in these two months would manage to get our message out, we could have made it, but because the response was so weak we failed.”

Skyttedal also told Swedish media that she was also leaving Folklistan, but didn’t have any concrete future plans yet.

Folklistan’s press officer, Tim Sundblad, however, told the TT newswire that it will continue to operate. 

According to TT, former Sweden Democrat and MEP Johan Nissinen is expected to be the new top name of the party.

Swedish vocabulary: straight to hell – the words Emanuel used were det gick åt pipsvängen. Pipsvängen is a word made famous by Astrid Lindgren’s Ronia the Robber’s Daughter and isn’t easily translated (in fact the English translation of the book usually avoids translating it), but it’s a euphemism for “hell” and could be translated as something going straight to hell, or perhaps going to the dogs.

Gotland mayor proposes tourist tax for summer visitors

Imposing extra taxes on tourists is not allowed in Sweden, unlike tourism hot spots such as for example Venice, Italy.

The regional mayor of Gotland, Meit Fohlin, wants to change that, reports public radio broadcaster SR Ekot.

Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the Baltic Sea island every summer, a beautiful and popular destination. Many mainlanders own a second home and stay there for months, using the island’s resources while their tax money ends up in their home municipalities.

“It’s important that tourism continues to be an important industry, and local industries then need contributions,” said Fohlin.

She said it should be possible to “pay tax for those months that goes to Gotland or where you own a summer house. Other places do that and it would be a fairly straightforward solution”.

Swedish vocabulary: a tourist tax – en turistskatt

Is Umeå the best place to live in Sweden?

Umeå in northern Sweden is the best place to live in Sweden, at least if a new ranking by the magazine Fokus is to be believed. 

The research was carried out by Infostat on behalf of Fokus and looked at factors such as household economy, safety, jobs, education, childcare, healthcare, infrastructure, services, leisure and public economy.

“This is of course great. All of northern Sweden and not least Umeå is on fire right now and offer residents extremely good opportunities to live good lives,” Umeå mayor Hans Lindberg said in a press statement.

Luleå, also in northern Sweden, and Karlstad on the shores of Lake Vänern make up the rest of the top three.

The worst municipalities are Tanum, Älvdalen and Vansbro.

Swedish vocabulary: a municipality – en kommun