Is Germany ready for the arrival of cannabis clubs?

The second part of Germany's cannabis legalisation law, which allows for the launch of cannabis clubs comes into effect on July 1st. But a number of questions may leave club founders stalled for months.

CBD cannabis
A saleswoman weighs CBD flowers on a scale at the "Mary Jane" hemp trade fair in Berlin. Cannabis clubs will be able to distribute THC flowers soon. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

From July 1st, the next phase of the cannabis law will come into force, which allows for the founding of “cannabis clubs” in Germany.

But the law, as it stands, is creating more questions than answers for many cannabis club founders across the country.

Questions around which authorities are responsible for approving clubs or regulating their activities remain.

Investors and club organisers are also unsure how quickly legal approval will be granted, with some speculating that operations may not legally begin until 2025.

Cannabis clubs to open from Monday (in theory)

According to the federal law, cannabis clubs may start their activities as soon as July 1st. 

These regulated associations will be allowed to have up to 500 members each, and will be able to grow and distribute up to 50 grams of cannabis per person per month.

But the reality is that cannabis clubs can submit an application for approval on July 1st, and then must wait for a permit to be granted before they can begin cultivating cannabis.

The health policy spokeswoman for the FDP, Susanne Schneider, criticised what she sees as unnecessary delays to rolling out the new rules. She told the Rheinische Post, “Although applications can be submitted from July 1st, it is completely unclear when permits will be granted and cannabis will actually be available – that could take months,” 

According to the cannabis legalisation law, the regulating authorities have a maximum of three months to approve or deny a club’s application. 

But depending on which region a club is in, there are still open questions about how and to whom applications should be submitted.

Cannabis regulation to be governed regionally

Adding to the confusion is the fact that these kinds of regulations are determined by state government agencies in Germany.

According to the law, district governments, state agencies for nature, environment and consumer protection, and the chambers of agriculture will be responsible for monitoring clubs and enforcing rules for cultivation and distribution of cannabis. 

But it’s not clear in every case where a cannabis club organiser should send an application. 

In Brandenburg, applications will be reviewed by the state’s Office for Occupational Safety, Consumer Protection and Health (LAVG), but according to reporting by Berliner Zeitung, the relevant authority in Berlin is still unknown.


Cannabis clubs with up to 500 members may soon cultivate and distribute cannabis in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire | Nathalie Jamois

Sascha Siebenäuger, Chairman of Sieben25 (a cannabis club to-be), suggests that information has been sparse but he doesn’t blame the authorities. 

Speaking to Berliner Zeitung, Siebenäuger noted that there are no existing models for fair and regulated cannabis distribution in Germany. With that in mind he expected some bumps in the road: “The task of the clubs to come to terms flexibly with the authorities,” he said. “The focus is on controlled dispensing whenever it becomes reality.”

Due to uncertainties around the process of registering as a club, Siebenäuger hasn’t opened up membership to the general public yet, despite already having a property lined-up where he intends to cultivate cannabis soon.

But these uncertainties haven’t stopped other clubs from accepting paying members who are eager to sign-up ahead of the expected rush.

Some associations in Munich reportedly received thousands of applicants in April, as legalisation was initially coming into effect in Germany.

What do we know about the coming cannabis clubs?

When exactly cannabis clubs will begin operations is still unclear, but a couple things about them are certain.

Firstly, they can have up to 500 members, and can collect membership fees (collected monthly or annually) to fund club activities. Members need to be German residents who are 18 years or older.

Second, these won’t be smoking clubs – members will not be allowed to smoke weed on the club premises or within 100 metres of their doors. Instead they can be thought of essentially as farming and distribution clubs.

More information about cannabis clubs is compiled and updated by the German Cannabis Social Clubs Association (CSCD).

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‘We want to govern’: Could the far-right AfD join a coalition in Germany?

The far-right AfD party conference was met by mass protests against the party. But comments by party leaders suggest that the party is confident it will continue to grow. Could the far-right party join a governing coalition?

'We want to govern': Could the far-right AfD join a coalition in Germany?

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) held its national party conference at the weekend in the western German city of Essen – despite mass protests against the party.

The party’s co-leaders, Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, were re-elected at the conference. Party delegates also adopted resolutions on foreign policy toward Russia, China and the United States. 

“We want to govern, first in the east (of Germany), then in the west, then at federal level,” Chrupalla announced at the two-day party conference.

This comment – along with recent election results – have revitalised fears that the AfD could step into higher positions of power in Germany. So how likely is that?

Ambitions to govern the Bundesrepublik

The AfD party conference comes ahead of September state parliamentary elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia, where the AfD is expected to make a strong showing – potentially even winning the majority of votes in some regions.

The party had relatively strong results in recent local elections in those states – winning elections in Brandenburg for the first time. In Thuringia, AfD candidates lost run-off elections for local positions, but the party maintains its influence in the state as the second most popular party behind the CDU.

READ ALSO: Germany’s far-right AfD sees strong gains in local eastern elections

Churpalla’s statement on wanting to get into power in Germany echo comments that have been made by members and supporters at various levels of the party.

For instance, Henning Zoz, one of the party’s financial backers who also plans to run for the mayor of the town of Siegen, told German business news outlet WiWo that he plans to later enter the Bundestag and then ride “the wave directly into the Chancellery”.

But political scientists have told The Local that the party doesn’t have a high chance of getting into a government at the moment.

Asked about the likelihood of the AfD taking power at the state or federal level, Dr. Ursula Münch, head of the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, told The Local that statements like Chrupalla’s “completely ignore the fact that the AfD will not find a coalition partner due to its partly extremist orientation”.

The so-called Brandmauer, or firewall, against the party means that for now, Germany’s mainstream parties have ruled out the possibility of bringing the AfD into a governing coalition at the federal level.

However, as the party’s popularity has grown in recent years, there have been signs that the Brandmauer is loosening, with some state leaders showing willingness to at least informally cooperate with AfD politicians.

Still, Münch suggests that the AfD won’t see their members join state or federal coalitions for the time being.

She added: “The party is a long way from an absolute majority of seats, even in Thuringia and Saxony”, thanks in part to the success of former Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht  and her BSW party, which appears to be drawing votes from the AfD’s supporter base.

Meanwhile, Kai Arzheimer, political scientist at the University of Mainz, previously told The Local that it would be “highly unlikely” that the AfD could join Germany’s federal government. 

But Arzheimer did say that he was “very worried”, about the party’s trajectory. 

Following a surge of anti-AfD protests in January, he had noted that at that time it looked very possible for the party to reach a majority in the state parliaments in Thuringia or Saxony. While the AfD maintains a stronghold of support in these states, it has lost a few points in recent polls following recent scandals.

READ ALSO: How worried should Germany be about the far-right AfD after mass deportation scandal?

police break up anti-afd protest

The police break up a sit-in blockade not far from where the AfD party conference is taking place in Essen. Numerous organizations announced opposition to the meeting and more than a dozen counter-demonstrations were organised. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Henning Kaiser

Mass protests over the weekend 

It comes as thousands of people protested against the AfD party conference in Essen on Saturday and Sunday. 

Groups of up to several hundred protesters repeatedly attempted to block delegates from attending the conference, police reported on Saturday evening.

According to information shared by protestors on social media, 1,500 people temporarily blocked an exit of the A52 highway. Other groups trapped party members in a hotel, and blocked a subway entrance.

Police forces moved in to clear blockades, and clashed with protestors at some locations.

“In the course of these violent actions, our colleagues had to make repeated use of batons and irritant gas,” police told DPA. 

Video clips on social media showed some of these clashes, including moments when police appeared to use excessive force on protestors who were acting peacefully.

On Saturday the police reported that officers were injured during the day’s events, and that several people had been arrested.

For their part, protest organisers criticised police, accusing them of bringing unnecessary force against largely peaceful protest actions.

Asked about the anti-AfD protests in Essen, Münch noted that, “The majority of the demonstration against the AfD party conference was peaceful.”

But she made clear that violent acts of protest must be condemned.

“Violent attacks against AfD delegates and police officers only benefit the AfD,” she said. “The party uses these incidents to portray itself as a victim. And to bolster its false claim that ‘internal security in Germany is at risk’.”

Christian Baumann of the initiative “Essen stellt sich quer” (Essen stands up for itself) told the TAZ newspaper that protests were overwhelmingly peaceful.

Baumann suggested that police warnings of a “robust deployment of strong security forces” likely deterred some who wanted to protest. According to TAZ, a witness on the sidelines of a protest noted that there were more police officers present than demonstrators at one location.

With reporting by DPA and AFP