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10 tips for travelling with kids in Germany

From where to stay, what to do and how to travel, Berlin-based journalist and mom Rachel Stern lays out some tested tips on going on a family holiday in and around Germany.

travel with kids
A girl cools off next to a fountain while visiting Berlin in June. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Annette Riedl

(Easily) find family friendly places to stay

In recent years, a handful of ‘kid free’ hotels have controversially opened in popular German tourism destinations like the Baltic Sea. But for every one of these adult-only abodes, there are hundreds of hotels and resorts designed specifically with families in mind.

In almost all price categories, it’s easy to find Kinderhotels with built-in playgrounds, swimming pools which double up as mini-water parks, and activities ranging from finger painting to horseback riding.

Some come with a hefty price tag, particularly if they also offer childcare, while others like Ahorn Resorts won’t set families back more than €100 a night in many of their scenic locations.

Alternatively, those looking to set up a tent (or Wohnmobil) in Germany’s great outdoors can check out, which lists over 2,000 camping sites around the country. For another option, little kids will especially love mingling with farm animals on a Bauernhofurlaub’.

If you prefer your own four walls, Airbnb also maintains a listing of particularly family friendly flats and homes.

READ ALSO: REVEALED: The most popular camping destinations in Germany

Embrace train travel

We admit that German trains have a way to go before they get their punctuality on par with many of their European neighbours. But there is one thing that makes them score plus points: special features for families. Most train journeys on ICEs allow you to book a separate family compartment (Familienbereich), which is often colourfully equipped with toys and books and enough space for a pram, for an extra €10.40. Those travelling with small children can also book a ‘Kleinkindabteil’, which gives them extra privacy and access to a Wickeltisch, or changing tables.

Even many regional trains include family sections with extra storage space and tables converted into board games with coins to be used as the playing pieces.

Unlike with planes, kids can also travel completely free on Deutsche Bahn trains up until the age of five, and get a 50 percent discount until they’re 14.

A train on a bridge

A Deutsche Bahn train crosses the Ravenna Viaduct near Hinterzarten in the Black Forest. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Patrick Seeger

Get involved with local activities 

Especially in the warmer months, there are countless family-friendly festivals and special events all around Germany ranging from renaissance fairs to harvest celebrations paying homage to the latest seasonal crop. Most include play areas and activities just for kids.

Check out the city or tourism website of where you’re staying for an up to date listing or kid-centred sites like Kindaling if you’ll be in one of Germany’s larger cities.


And a no-fail option whether you’re in Berlin or a small village: playgrounds. Germany is graced with well-equipped Spielplätze wherever you go and they serve as great ways both for your kids to burn off some energy and interact with locals.

Visit diverse theme parks 

Many families head to Europa-Park, Germany’s largest amusement park situated in Baden-Württemberg, in the summer. But there are countless alternatives for rides and spectacular shows, such as Heide Park and Phantasialand.

If your kids are fans of Germany’s own PlayMobil, which celebrated its 50th anniversary this year, you won’t want to miss the toy manufacturer’s FunPark in Zirndorf, Bavaria. Also not too far away in Günzburg is Legoland Germany.

There are a smattering of smaller regional parks, such as Karls-Erlebnis-Dorf. With locations around Berlin and northern Germany, the park from the famous strawberry seller features rides for all ages and of course every type of its namesake delicacy imaginable. 

Younger children will especially enjoy the fairy tale themed amusement park and forest Zwergenwald Sommerrodelbahn in Ibbenbüren in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Take a fairy tale trip 

Speaking of fairy tales, if your kids are fans of the Grimm Brothers, you might want to drive 600km-long fairy-tale-road Deutsche Märchenstraße stretching from their Heimat of Hanau and along many picturesque forests and villages which inspired their stories.

And let’s not forget the hundreds of castles, from the famous Neuschwanstein in Bavaria to Schloss Heidelberg and the hundreds in between. Most offer special discounts for kids and tours for families.

Take a hike

Germany has 16 national parks, meaning that wherever you’re travelling in the Bundesrepublik, there likely isn’t one very far away. From the Black Forest National Park to Saxon Switzerland, Germans revere their Nationalparke and they’re a popular bike for holidaymakers and day trippers alike. Children in particular will enjoy extras like animal enclosures, guided hikes of flora and fauna and in some cases Baumwipfelpfade, or an elevated canopy pathway which weaves through the trees.

And in contrast to theme parks, there are low or donation-based admission fees.

A view of the Elbe in the Saxon Switzerland

A view of the Elbe from the peaks of Saxon Switzerland. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Robert Michael

Stay well stocked

No matter where you are in the world, keeping snacks and other supplies on hand for kids is a must. The drug stores DM and Rossmann boast an especially large assortment of goods for kids, from shampoo to sand toys and even clothes for smaller children.

Those travelling with babies and toddlers might be relieved that many locations come equipped with changing tables and free nappies of various sizes. Not to mention gratis ice cold tap water – a rarity in Germany – free for the taking in a tiny cup.

Stay updated about travel conditions

ADAC, the largest driving association in Europe, provides regular updates on its websites about driving conditions, ahem, sprawling back-up traffic jams that take over the Autobahn at the end and start of school holidays. They don’t just detail info relevant to drivers, but also list upcoming works that could impact train and plane travellers.

Keep cool

Sweltering temperatures and a lack of AC in Germany might make your kids (and you) want to plunge into a pool. It’s easy to find Freibäder (open air swimming pools) all over the country, most of which offer a special shallow play section for smaller kids. 

Or you could check out one of Germany’s 2,000 officially designated Badenseen (swimming lakes) if you’d prefer taking cooling off amid a scenic backdrop.

Stay safe

Germany is overall a very safe place to travel with children. But there are a few things you can do to put your mind at ease, especially if you don’t speak the language well. Germany’s official warning app, NINA, gives alerts about emergencies and natural disasters in your area. The app Nora also connects users to local police and emergency services.

Packing a basic first aid kit will come in handy. Basics like band aids, disinfection spray and tick tweezers (Germany has seen an increase in several regions) will serve you well, and mean you’re not scrambling to find an Apotheke (pharmacy), or out of luck if it’s an evening or Sunday.

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‘Improve punctuality’: Can Germany sort out its crisis-hit trains?

Transport Minister Volker Wissing is piling pressure on rail operator Deutsche Bahn to improve its services amid dismal punctuality rates. Here's a look at his latest restructuring plan.

'Improve punctuality': Can Germany sort out its crisis-hit trains?

Rail passengers in Germany have seen punctuality rates plummet in recent years. In June it was reported that only around half of long-distance trains arrived at their destination on time.

Operator Deutsche Bahn (DB) has pledged to improve the railway network by investing €16.4 billion in an infrastructure programme over the next six years. 

But this week, Transport Minister Volker Wissing brought several demands to the table aimed at making German train travel more efficient.

Now that the track refurbishment is underway, Wissing said: “Deutsche Bahn must deliver now,” adding that he wants to “see an improvement by 2027”.

Wissing said the goal is for Deutsche Bahn to be “optimally positioned” and become a “reliable mode of transport”.

Here’s a look at the main points of the plan:

  • Improve punctuality, bringing it up to a top level comparable to international standards. Wissing also said DB has to be punctual even when there are extreme weather conditions
  • Improve the capacity utilisation of long-distance trains
  • Review management and cut administration
  • Review investments outside of infrastructure modernisation
  • Improve the efficiency of the rail network operator ‘InfraGo’
  • Driving forward digitalisation
  • Risk management in climate change

READ ALSO: How travelling on German trains has become a nightmare for foreigners

Job cuts and no cancellation of train routes

As well as the focus on punctuality, Wissing is calling for better capacity usage of long-distance trains and fewer management staff.

According to the FDP minister, the operator currently has “too much administration”. Wissing said there should be fewer bosses in management and more staff in operations.

DB already announced at the end of July that it plans to cut around 30,000 jobs within five years – mainly in administration.

Transport Minister Volker Wissing visits a rail construction site in Hesse.

Transport Minister Volker Wissing visits a rail construction site in Hesse. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Andreas Arnold

Wissing also cited cost efficiency in the procurement of materials and on construction sites as one of the most important goals. He added that all areas, including long-distance transport and DB Cargo, are in deficit and there is a need for improvement.

Saving targets should not, however, lead to unprofitable rail routes being axed. Opposition leader Friedrich Merz, of the CDU, suggested in July that the route network should be thinned out to improve punctuality. But Wissing said this “cannot be the aspiration of a company like ours” and that DB should instead run a tightly synchronised operation on time as part of the restructuring project. 

To achieve this, DB has to modernise its infrastructure – a task that is already ongoing. Among the biggest this year is the refurbishment of the Riedbahn between Frankfurt and Mannheim. It closed for renovation in July and is scheduled to reopen fully on December 14th.

READ ALSO: What are the big travel changes in Germany this autumn?

Wissing said Deutsche Bahn has to become more efficient and reliable. “I am now demanding this in concrete terms,” he said.

Bosses at Deutsche Bahn are now required to submit a renovation concept, while the implementation will be closely monitored every three months. Targets are to be set for each year up to 2027 and reviewed by the Transport Ministry. 

A Deutsche Bahn steering group has been set up within the ministry to closely monitor the reorganisation.

READ ALSO: ‘Learn from the Swiss’ – How Germany can solve its endless rail problems

What’s the reaction?

Transport politician Matthias Gastel from the Greens reacted sceptically to Wissing’s plan, saying that his demands were vague.

Other critics had a similar reaction. Previously, the German government has said its short-term goal is to get 70 percent of trains to run on time and to increase this to 80 percent by 2030, but there was no mention of figures in Wissing’s latest call. 

An op-ed in German newspaper Welt said: “Wissing has a seven-point plan, but on the three A4 pages there is not one concrete figure by which the Transport Minister wants to measure the ‘Bahn’ in future. Instead, there are vague declarations of intent.”

Passenger rights groups see the efforts as positive – but also called for more information. 

“The ministry cares about the railways and wants to get involved,” said Andreas Schröder from the passenger association Pro Bahn.

However, he said the paper is “very general” and that there is no explanation of how goals are to be achieved.

The next step is for DB’s supervisory board to discuss the proposal and submit a response to the Transport Ministry.

According to Wissing, the reorganisation plan should be available “as quickly and as concretely as possible”.

READ ALSO: What to know about Deutsche Bahn’s summer service changes