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Is start date for EES biometric passport checks set to be delayed again?

The EU's new EES system of biometric passport checks at borders has already been repeatedly delayed, but now there are reports that it could be pushed back again amid concerns that transport terminals - especially in the UK - are not ready.

Is start date for EES biometric passport checks set to be delayed again?
A passenger proceeds through an automated ePassport gate. Photo by PHILIPPE LOPEZ / AFP

After several postponements, the new EU border security system known as the Entry & Exit System (EES) is due to go live in the autumn of 2024.

The European Commission has never officially confirmed the exact start date, but information sent to airports and other transport terminals indicated Sunday, October 6th as the likely start date.

However, now the British newspaper The Independent has reported that it has been delayed again, albeit only for a few weeks, with the likely new start date Sunday, November 10th.

At the time of writing the Commission has not released a firm start date, but The Local has requested further clarification.

The Independent also reports that the EU is considering allowing a ‘soft launch’ which will allow transport operators to be excused from collecting full biometric data on all travellers if there are significant delays at a border crossing point. The Local has asked the Commission for clarification on this point.

The system is causing a major headache for ports and rail terminals in the UK, with fears of long tailbacks at entry points such as the Port of Dover or the Eurostar St Pancras terminal. 

The problems are particularly acute at the UK-France border because of high travel volumes, the juxtaposed borders and the fact that Brits are no longer EU citizens and are therefore subject to EES checks.

READ ALSO Why is the UK-France border such a problem for EES checks? 

The EES system was designed prior to Brexit, when UK travellers were still EU citizens and would therefore not have been required to complete EES pre-registration.

You can read more about exactly how EES will affect different modes of transport on the links below;

The first time that passengers cross an external EU/Schengen zone border after the introduction of the system they will be required to provide biometric data including facial scans and fingerprints.

These must be collected on site, and there are fears that the extra requirements will lead to long queues at border crossings.

The checks only apply to non-EU citizens, while non-EU citizens who are resident in an EU country are also exempt.

Find full details of the new system HERE.

Once EES is (finally) up and running it will be followed by another new system – ETIAS which will require tourists and short-stay visitors to the EU to pay €7 in advance and register for a visa waiver. Under 18s and over 70s are exempt from this payment – full details HERE.

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Police stress Arlanda Airport drone sightings ‘not confirmed’

On three nights in a row, there have been reports of unidentified drones being spotted at Arlanda Airport. But police are treating the observations with scepticism, saying they've already been able to dismiss some of the sightings.

Police stress Arlanda Airport drone sightings 'not confirmed'

“In some cases we can say that they were not drones, but we’re not done with all our questioning and reported incidents. But we should be able to arrive at some kind of result by the end of the week,” a senior police official, Per Engström, told the TT news agency.

Police stressed that they have not yet been able to confirm any of the alleged drone sightings.

In January 2022, police received around 200 drone observations, several close to power plants, within the scope of one week. The lion’s share of them turned out to be nothing but false alarms, with airplanes, helicopters, satellites and masts often mistaken for drones.

“I guess it’s always like this when there’s some kind of mass psychological effect, you start looking like ‘what’s that?’, you look up into the sky more than you usually do and discover that there are lots of things moving around there,” said Engström.

The Armed Forces have been informed of the reports, but are not otherwise involved in the investigation.

It began when four suspected drones were spotted at Arlanda Airport, just north of Stockholm, in the early hours of Monday. Flights were grounded for several hours, although it was the middle of the night so only six flights ended up being redirected to other airports.

After that there were new reports of drones on Tuesday and Wednesday.