Reader photo of the week: Summer at a historic Västernorrland ironworks

Every week, The Local invites readers to submit their pictures to our photo competition, to bring our audience together from all parts of Sweden. This week's winner is Pranvera Backlund, who snapped this idyllic scene near the Galtström ironworks.

Reader photo of the week: Summer at a historic Västernorrland ironworks
Galström ironworks in Njurunda, south of Sundsvall. Photo: Pranvera Backlund

For Backlund the visit to Galströms Bruk, a historic industrial site in Nurunda, south of Sundsvall, was about recovery from a family tragedy.

“There is an emotional personal story behind it. This is the birth place of my son’s late father, who eight years ago took his own life,” she told The Local. “We left to Cyprus for work and education in the hope of healing from the pain and finally this summer we were emotionally ready to visit Sweden.

“The spot in the picture is where we got married 14 years ago. We decided to show Galström to my son and at the same time for me to have a closure. This picture is exactly that moment. It is a beautiful place.” 

Would you like to be featured in The Local’s photo of the week series?

You can submit your entries via email at with the subject “Photo of the week”, or by submitting your photo to X using the hashtag #TheLocalSwedenPOTW – or look out for our Facebook post every week on The Local Sweden where you can submit your photo.

Please tell us your name so we can credit you as the photographer, and tell us a little bit about the photo and where it was taken.

By submitting a photo, you’re giving us permission to republish it on The Local’s website, our social media and newsletters.

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Reader photo of the week: The first sign of autumn in Sweden?

Every week, The Local invites readers to submit their pictures to our photo competition, to bring our audience together from all parts of Sweden.

Reader photo of the week: The first sign of autumn in Sweden?

This week’s winner is Robert Mark Harvey, who sent in the above picture of a spider’s web in Uddevalla, western Sweden.

“Autumn is on its way in Uddevalla,” he writes.

At the time of writing, it’s officially still summer in Uddevalla. According to the definition used by Swedish meteorologists, autumn is only considered to have arrived once the daily average temperature stays below 10C for five consecutive days.

But we can agree it’s starting to feel pretty autumnal out there.

Would you like to be featured in The Local’s photo of the week series?

You can submit your entries via email at with the subject “Photo of the week” – or look out for our Facebook post every week on The Local Sweden where you can submit your photo.

Please tell us your name so we can credit you as the photographer, and tell us a little bit about the photo and where it was taken.

By submitting a photo, you’re giving us permission to republish it on The Local’s website, our social media and newsletters.