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Are the Austrian summer holidays simply too long for parents?

Given many parents in Austria struggle to organise childcare every year for the summer holidays, some believe the break is simply too long.

Are the Austrian summer holidays simply too long for parents?
Photo: Photo by Jessica Lewis 🦋 thepaintedsquare:

As another school year ends, parents still struggle to organise childcare for the nine-week summer break across Austria. The extended summer holiday, a staple of the Austrian education system, sparks an annual debate about its length and impact on families.

While the long break allows pupils to rest, recharge, and explore their interests, it poses significant challenges for working parents. 

Many struggle to find affordable and reliable childcare options for extended periods, often resorting to juggling work schedules, relying on extended family, or paying for expensive summer camps.

READ ALSO: The best ideas for what to do with kids in Austria this summer

The debate on whether or not the “long” duration is “still appropriate” popped up again this year.

According to a recent survey by the Chamber of Labour (AK), parents spend an average of €415 per child on vacation care. Together with the trade union federation, the Chamber of Labour is calling for financial support and a sixth week of vacation for parents. 

A Der Standard survey shows that 61 percent of parents take vacation days to care for children—though one parent taking all their yearly time off cannot cover a nine-week holiday. About 27 percent of parents work from home during the summer holidays, juggling childcare and their typical work tasks. Some 12 percent reduce their work hours (with, of course, a pay cut) to manage a long time without kindergarten and school.

Long ‘gap’

Some educational experts told Der Standard that the long nine-week holiday is “noticeable in the children’s performance.” Former teacher and now teacher trainer Verena Hohengasser told the daily newspaper that returning to school is a challenge for both children and teachers.

Education experts advocate for shorter summer vacations, with two weeks off in Whitsun (early June) and two weeks of Easter (around April). This model is followed by several German states, for example.

Critics point out that splitting summer vacations won’t solve the childcare problem – even if the nine weeks are not consecutive; they are still more than any parent can afford to take from work. 

READ ALSO: When are Austria’s school summer holidays in 2024?

The childcare difficulties will only be solved by either giving parents more time off (something the AK advocates for, as mentioned), creating more public summer daycares and childcare facilities, or a combination of both.

EU comparison

However, Austria is far from having the longest summer holidays in the European Union. 

Just like Austria, which has nine weeks of holidays, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Poland, and other Eastern European countries also have between eight and ten weeks. 

Countries such as France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, and Norway have under eight weeks of summer school holidays. Meanwhile, Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and others offer students between 10 and 12 weeks of summer holidays. 

As Austrian media reported, the longest time off is in Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Latvia, where students get more than 12 weeks of summer holidays.

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Familienbeihilfe: How can I get Austria’s family allowance payments?

Austrian residents raising children are eligible for family allowance, a monthly payment to help with child costs. But how much can you receive and how do you get the payments?

Familienbeihilfe: How can I get Austria's family allowance payments?

If you have children and live in Austria, you may be entitled to receive Familienbeihilfe, or family allowance, a subsidy that helps parents with the costs of raising children. 

This allowance is available to Austrian residents whose centre of life is in Austria, provided they live in a shared household with their child. The family allowance applies to children up to the age of 18 but may be extended to 24 or 25 in some instances.

How do I apply for it?

In most cases, family allowance is granted automatically upon the birth of a child in Austria without the need for an application. 

The tax office will inform you of your entitlement after your child is born and registered in Austria. Still, you may be asked to provide additional details such as bank information – or further proof that your centre of life is in Austria. For example, the Financial Office in Austria (Finanzamt) may ask you to show proof that you live and work in the country. 

READ ALSO: What you need to know about parental leave in Austria

If an application is required – usually when the child was not born in Austria- if you are moving here with your family, it must be submitted to the local tax office either online via FinanzOnline or in person.

You will need to provide the birth certificate and residence registration (Meldezettel) for both the child and the applicant.

You can apply online at FinanzOnline, search for Familienbeihilfe on the website, and then click on the application page. You can also use the form Beih100 and hand it in in person after an appointment, sending it to the Finanzamt by mail or dropping it in the post box outside each local Finanz office. You can check addresses HERE.

How much is the family allowance?

The monthly family allowance depends on the age of the child:

  • €132.30 from birth
  • €141.50 when the child turns 3
  • €164.20 from age 10
  • €191.60 from age 19

If you have multiple children, you are entitled to a supplementary allowance that increases with each additional child. The Austrian government also provides a school start allowance of €116.10 in August for children aged between 6 and 15.

For children with significant disabilities, the allowance is increased by €180.90 per month, provided you submit a medical certificate certifying the child’s disability.

How is Family Allowance paid?

Payments are made monthly, and the parent in charge of the household, usually the mother, receives the allowance. However, the mother can waive this right in favour of the other parent if desired. Since January 2024, the amount has been adjusted automatically for inflation, ensuring continued support for families as living costs rise.

READ NEXT: What you need to know about Austria’s child support benefits