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11 strange noises you can make in German to sound like an Austrian

If you want to sound more like a local, these 11 'noises' might be your key to success.

11 strange noises you can make in German to sound like an Austrian
In casual conversations, Austrians often use sounds like "Naja" and "Gell". Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Most non-native German speakers have learned the language from textbooks and classes, and while talking to native Austrians, they are likely to come across a wide range of sounds and expressions they have never heard before.

Many of those unusual sounds, often known as discourse markers, are used to show feelings like surprise or excitement or to check if the person you are talking to is listening. 

Here are 11 of the most common sounds Austrians use in their casual conversations.

Gell. This sound is commonly used in Austria and mainly in Carinthia, in the south of the country. Some people actually use it after almost every sentence, and this without even realising it. 

“Gell” does not really mean anything but often functions as a confirmation request for a question. For example, in Carinthia, it would be typical to say, “Es ist spät, gell?” which could translate to “It is late, isn’t it?” in English.

Hä. This is a word you will not find in German textbooks, but using “hä” is definitely a way to sound more Austrian in your conversations.

Much like the English word “huh?”, you can use “hä?” to express surprise or confusion.

If a colleague ask you if you like working overtime a “hä?” is probably an expected response.

Eh. This is used to emphasize a statement or to show that you agree with something. It is similar to saying “yeah” or “sure” in English.

You can, for example, say “Das passt eh” (That is fine, yeah).

Nah. This is a typical sound you will hear from many Austrians. This little sound can sometimes refer to a whole sentence, like the question ‘Wie geht’s dir?’ which means ‘How are you?’ in English.

It is actually quite a time-saver since you just need to mumble ‘nah’ instead of using actual words to ask how another person feels.

Saying “nah” is also an informal way of saying “no” or “not really” in response to a question or statement.

Austrians use many different sounds in their daily conversations. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Schon. Schon translates to “already” in English. It is used a lot in everyday conversations.

If someone asks if you have seen a movie, you can answer, “Ja, habe ich schon gesehen,” meaning you have already seen it.

You can also use “schon” to reinforce a statement, such as when  saying “Das wird schon klappen,” which means “It will be fine.”

Sometimes, “schon” is also used to show a bit of impatience, you can for example say “Komm schon” when you want someone to hurry up.

Oida. Oida could be translated to “old man” in English, but it rarely means old man or old one when people actually use it.

In general, many young Austrians like using “oida.” The term has its origin in Vienna, and in the past, it was mainly used there. However, in the last decades, oida has become increasingly popular all around the country.

You can use it in many different situations: to express confusion or excitement, to address someone, or even in negative situations like when you injure yourself. It all depends on how you say it and which intonation you use. 

You can for example say “Oida, das war echt der Hammer!” which means “Dude, that was really awesome!”.

Naja. This is often used in daily conversations in Austria and it can be translated to “well” or “oh well” in English. It can be used when you are not too excited about something or want to downplay a situation.

For example, if you did not have the best of days, you might say “Naja, es war okay” (Well, it was okay). Or if you just accept something but are not that happy about it you can say “Naja, das ist eben so” which means “Well, that is just how it is”.

READ NEXT: ‘Servus!’: How to greet people like a local in Austria

Heast. “Heast” is used similarly to “oida’” and can express both positive and negative feelings in various situations. For example, you might say “Heast, ich hab Durst” (Hey, I am thirsty) or “Heast, ich liebe es!” (Hey, I love it!).

Alta. “Alta” is used mainly by younger generations. It is similar to saying “dude” or “man” in English. You can for example say “Alta, wie gehts?” which means “Dude, how are you?”.

Ja. Austrians like to say “Ja” a lot, which means “Yes.” But they do not only use it to say yes; they also use it as a filler word in many sentences. It is common to start a sentence with “Ja” even though it is not necessary.

For example, Austrians might say ‘Ja, wie geht’s dir denn?’ which means ‘Yes, how are you then?’ even though there was no need to add ‘yes’ before the question.

Voll. This is quite commonly used in Austria, especially by younger generations. “Voll” could be translated to “really” or “totally” in English and it is used to intensify or emphasise something, also similar to how you might use “so” or “super” in English. 

You can for example say “Das ist voll gut” which means “That is really good”.

READ NEXT: Do Austrians still use the formal ‘Sie’ in German?

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Ten Austrian German words that English should adopt immediately

Some Austrian German words capture feelings, experiences, or people with such precision that you might wonder why English hasn’t picked them up yet.

Ten Austrian German words that English should adopt immediately

1. Feierabend: The time after work or studies when you can relax and enjoy your evening.

Example: Endlich Feierabend! Ich freue mich auf einen lustigen Abend zusammen mit Freunden. (Finally, it is after work! I am looking forward to a fun evening with friends).

During a Feierabend you can enjoy cooking some food with friends. Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

2. Heimat: A deep sense of home or homeland, involving both the physical place and the emotional connection to it.

Example: Nach Jahren im Ausland freue ich mich immer, wieder in meine Heimat zurückzukehren. (After years abroad, I always look forward to returning to my home).

Heimat can for some represent a specific place, such as a house connected with certain memories. Photo by feinschliff on Unsplash

3. Zweisamkeit: The feeling of togetherness or intimacy shared between two people.

Example: Wir genießen die Zweisamkeit am Wochenende in den Bergen. (We enjoy the togetherness on the weekends in the mountains).

Zweisamkeit refers to the feeling of intimacy between two people. Photo by Pixabay.

4. Schadenfreude: The satisfaction you get from someone else’s misfortune. The term is sometimes already used in English, but not everyone knows it.

Example: Man konnte seine Schadenfreude sehen, als sein Freund nicht befördert wurde. (You could see his schadenfreude when his friend didn’t get promoted at work).

Woman laughing in the street, maybe out of Schadenfreude. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels.

5. Gemütlichkeit: A sense of cosiness and warmth, often found in a friendly and comfortable environment.

Example: Die Gemütlichkeit in diesem Café ist einfach perfekt. (The cosiness in this café is simply just perfect).

Gemütlichkeit can be experienced by staying long in bed while looking out the window. Photo by Dương Nhân / Pexels

6. Wiener Schmäh: The characteristic Viennese charm and wit, often with a touch of sarcasm and humour.

Example: Er hat einen typischen Wiener Schmäh, den man nicht so leicht vergisst. (He has a typical Viennese charm that is hard to forget).

Going out to meet the Viennese is a good idea if you want to experience Wiener Schmäh. Photo by Dan V on Unsplash

7. Schnapsidee: An idea that seems great at the moment but is actually quite stupid or impractical.

Example: Seine Schnapsidee, eine Weltreise ohne Plan zu machen, wurde schnell zur Katastrophe. (His schnapsidee to make a world trip without a plan quickly turned into a disaster).

Not planning your world trip at all might be a complete Schnapsidee. Photo by Tim Gouw / Pexels

8. Kummerspeck: This literally translates to “grief bacon”, and the term describes the weight gained from emotional eating.

Example: Nach der Trennung habe ich wirklich viel Kummerspeck angesammelt. (After the breakup, I really accumulated a lot of grief bacon).

Eating a lot of bacon might be a good idea if you want to obtain some Kummerspeck after a breakup. Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

9. Zuckerl: A small, sweet treat or candy. The term is used affectionately to describe something delightful or charming.

Example: Dieses Zuckerl ist einfach unwiderstehlich und bringt jeden zum Lächeln. (This little candy is simply irresistible and makes everyone smile).

Small treats have their own common name in Austria. Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

10. Lebensfreude: Joy of life, zest for life.

Example: Ihre Lebensfreude strahlt in allem, was sie tut, und inspiriert alle um sie herum. (Her zest for life shines through in everything she does and inspires everyone around her).

Visiting Zillertal in Austria might make you experience some Lebensfreude. Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

READ NEXT: 11 strange noises you can make in German to sound like an Austrian