Here’s what your mandatory Swiss health insurance doesn’t cover

Welcome to Switzerland! Lucky for you, the country is home to one of the world’s top healthcare systems, but there’s an important detail to remember: while everyone is required to have mandatory health insurance, it doesn’t cover everything.

Here's what your mandatory Swiss health insurance doesn't cover
Supplemental insurance can make all the difference when making decisions about your health in Switzerland. Photo: Getty Images

Even though Swiss health insurance is of exceptionally high quality, it doesn’t cover every situation. There are instances where your insurance might fall short. In fact, sometimes it only covers the bare essentials.

Understanding these coverage gaps is crucial to making the most of your time in Switzerland. In partnership with Swiss insurer Concordia, we’ll show you six situations where supplementary insurance can make a significant difference.

1. If you have an accident or fall ill abroad…

The good news is that if you have an accident within the EU or EFTA, your mandatory Swiss health insurance will provide you with the same healthcare coverage as that of socially insured citizens in those countries.

However, if you have an accident outside the EU and EFTA, things can get expensive. While your mandatory Swiss health insurance covers up to twice the cost of an equivalent procedure in a Swiss hospital, medical expenses in some countries can far exceed that amount—potentially leaving you with significant out-of-pocket costs.

Consider Peter, for example. Unfortunately, he falls ill with appendicitis while on holiday in the United States. The cost of a procedure there could quickly surpass the amount covered by his Swiss insurance, especially if he needs to stay in the hospital for an extended period.

Costs could escalate even more if you’re in a country with a less developed healthcare system than Switzerland’s. Swiss mandatory health insurance does not cover the cost of returning to Switzerland for treatment, which could limit your options for care and recovery.

As a result, many Swiss residents choose supplementary travel insurance, such as Concordia’s DIVERSA package. DIVERSA provides peace of mind by covering the costs of emergency procedures abroad and extended hospital stays.

2. If you want to access many alternative therapies…

While mandatory Swiss health insurance covers a wide range of treatments, it often lags behind when it comes to newer alternative therapies. Approval for these treatments can take years, leaving patients who could benefit from them unable to access them.

Take Michaela, for example. She suffers from a sleep disorder and is searching for a therapy to help her get enough rest. After much research, she finds that craniosacral massage might provide some relief, but it’s not covered by her mandatory health insurance.

By opting for a supplementary insurance package like Concordia’s NATURA offering, Michaela can access the therapy without incurring substantial medical bills.

Moving to Switzerland? Just arrived? Get expert advice on the supplementary insurance that’s right for you

3. If you have dental problems…

A healthy smile isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s vital to your overall health. However, mandatory Swiss health insurance only covers dental issues if they are linked to a severe health condition, like a jaw infection, or are a consequence of a serious illness.

This means that most preventative dental care—such as orthodontics, cleanings, wisdom tooth removal, or cosmetic work—isn’t covered. To ensure a healthy smile and prevent the serious health problems that can arise from dental issues, supplementary dental insurance is a wise investment.

Let’s consider Alessia. If she discovers that a recurring dental issue in her family requires orthodontics to prevent future problems, she’ll need to pay out of pocket for herself and her children. This is where supplemental dental insurance can save thousands.

For example, Concordia’s DIVERSA supplementary insurance covers a range of both inpatient and outpatient dental procedures, covering up to 75 percent of the cost, which means fewer large bills for Alessia. She can even insure her children from birth to age five for any treatments they may need, without requiring a certificate from their dentist.

4. If you want to avoid problems later on…

It might seem that mandatory Swiss health insurance is primarily focused on covering you when something goes wrong. But what if you want to prevent problems before they start? Often, you’ll have to bear those costs yourself, and they can add up.

Take Hannah, for example. She spends several hours a day in front of a computer, which is affecting her back and posture. She wants to strengthen her back to avoid posture issues as she ages, which means a monthly subscription to a trainer or fitness studio.

With a supplementary insurance package like Concordia’s NATURA, Hannah could receive up to 200 Swiss francs a year towards her subscriptions, as long as they’re recognized by the insurer.

Discover how Concordia helps you make the right decisions about the health of you and your family in Switzerland

The arrival of a new child is always an exciting time. Supplemental insurance can ensure they have the best start in life. Photo: Getty Images

5. If you want to choose your own doctor or treatment…

While Swiss doctors are among the best in the world, there are times when you want to make your own healthcare decisions that aren’t covered by mandatory Swiss health insurance. This can include choosing your doctor or surgeon, or opting to seek treatment abroad.

Consider these examples: Hans needs a hip operation and prefers to have the procedure done in Sweden, where his family can support him during recovery. Maria, on the other hand, needs her appendix removed but wants to choose her doctor and have her own private room in the hospital.

Such choices are only possible with supplementary insurance. For example, with Concordia’s PRIVATE package, Hans could have his treatment in Sweden covered, offering worldwide freedom of choice among recognized hospitals. Similarly, Maria could select her doctor, department, and hospital with a supplementary insurance package like Concordia’s LIBERO offering.

6. If you’re starting a family…

Expectant mothers in Switzerland are fortunate: mandatory health insurance covers all healthcare costs directly related to pregnancy, as well as visits from a nurse to assist after birth. However, it doesn’t cover the choice of doctor or hospital, which can be very important to expectant mothers.

Additionally, after the child is born, mandatory health insurance doesn’t automatically cover the child to the same degree as the parents without a health check. It also doesn’t cover ongoing costs if the child suffers a life-altering accident.

Consider Jeannine and Milan. Upon learning they’re expecting, Milan could ensure their unborn child is covered to the same degree as they are by registering them under Concordia’s DIVERSA or NATURA supplementary insurance packages.

Meanwhile, Jeannine could use the SEMI-PRIVATE package to enjoy the privacy of a double room, ensuring a peaceful environment to welcome their new arrival.

Both Jeannine and Milan could also protect their child in case of a life-altering accident by opting for Concordia’s TIKU risk capital supplementary insurance.

Ready to learn more?

Switzerland’s mandatory health insurance is excellent, but it’s clear that there are gaps in coverage and situations where the degree of choice you may want isn’t available. Supplementary health insurance, such as the packages offered by Concordia, ensures that you’re not left out of pocket in life’s unforeseen circumstances.

Moreover, supplementary insurance can help you avoid many common health issues before they become serious risks. Best of all, it gives you the gift of choice, which, when it comes to your health, is priceless.

Protect yourself and your family with supplementary health insurance. Calculate your likely premiums with Concordia today!

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