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EXPLAINED: How does car insurance work in France?

If you drive a motor vehicle in France – even one for which you don’t need a driving licence – you must have insurance. Here is what you need to know.

A French police officer at a traffic stop
Car drivers must have insurance before they get behind the wheel (Photo by PHILIPPE LOPEZ / AFP)

Anyone who drives a car, lorry, van, or rides a motorcycle or scooter on the road in France must have at least third-party car insurance.

Here’s what you need to know.

What’s covered

Be aware that a French insurance policy covers the vehicle, rather than the driver. You will still need to list one or several named drivers, but others will also be able to take the wheel of your vehicle and be covered by at least the legal minimum third-party insurance.

What you need to get insured

Before you can drive your car, you must be insured. Car dealers will not let you drive off in your new purchase without the required documents. 

Fortunately, the process is pretty simple, and your insurer will help you with the necessary paperwork. 

Carte verte

Since April 1st, 2024, green car insurance cards in the windscreens of French vehicles have been replaced by an automated system accessible to law enforcement officers, though you’ll still see them on display in plenty of cars. 

READ ALSO 7 things to know about the change to France’s ‘carte verte’ car insurance

This new digital system means drivers’ insurance details can be checked using licence plates and by verifying information in the file of insured vehicles (FAV), which has been accessible to law enforcement since 2019. 

Insurance companies are required to update the register every 72 hours, so the digital list is kept up to date. 

In theory, this means drivers no longer have to present insurance paperwork if they are pulled over by police, as it will be up to officers to consult this database. But you will receive a document on taking out or renewing your insurance policy that you can show them. It may speed things up.

A reminder: driving while uninsured remains an offence. As well as a hefty fine those drives caught behind the wheel without insurance risk having their driving licence suspended for up to three years.

Moreover, driving on a suspended licence can be punishable by up to two years imprisonment, a €4,500 fine and confiscation of the vehicle.

READ ALSO Driving in France: What are the offences that cost you penalty points on your French licence?

What happens if you’re involved in an accident

In France, in the immediate aftermath of a collision, you might be asked by other involved parties to fill out a paper document which gives information about the details of an accident on the road.

This is a ‘constat amiable’ – pronounced con-statt amm-ee-ahh-bul – the French term for a European Accident Statement (EAS) that is accepted by insurance companies across the continent. 

It’s not a legal requirement to have one in your car, but many motorists in France do, just in case. Copies are then sent to your insurers for processing.

And the French government’s Service Public website recommends in strong, bureaucratic terms that motorists involved in a collision should complete the form, which details the circumstances of a collision, and any resulting damage to either vehicle.

The form is available in English (pdf) if you prefer, but it’s advisable to use a French one for your French insurers.

No claims

The no-claims system is known as Bonus Malus in France. 

Someone who has never been insured starts with a bonus of 1.00, and every year without a claim this is multiplied by 0.95, shaving a percentage off your bill – though you might not realise it as premiums seem to rise year on year…

It takes 13 years to build up a maximum no claims bonus.

If you have previously been insured in the UK or an EU country you may be able to transfer any no-claims bonus, depending on the company. 

READ ALSO Meet France’s tiny cars that you don’t need a licence to drive

If, on the other hand, you are involved in an accident, this figure will be multiplied by 1.25 if you are to blame – or 1.125 if you are only partially at fault.

Are there other ways to cut insurance costs?

French insurers offer a range of policies that you may want to consider. Fully comprehensive (tous risques) policies tend to cost more, but you may decide it’s worthwhile. Third-party, fire and theft, and third party insurance are also routinely available from insurers.

But, if you don’t drive often or far, you may be able to get a low-mileage deal, for example. It’s always worthwhile checking with your insurer.

When you do / don’t need a French driving licence

You can drive in France on a non-French / EU driving licence for a certain period of time. 

If you’re in France on holiday there is usually no problem with driving on the licence of your home country, whether you’re bringing your own car or renting one here – although there will likely be some additional paperwork involved at a French car rental company if you hold a non-French / EU licence.

If you live in France, however, it’s a different story for holders of non-French / EU licences. After a certain period of residency (usually one year, although there is a slightly different system for UK licences) you will probably need to swap your licence for a French one.

This could have a knock-on effect on your insurance. 

Driving in France on a foreign licence when you should have swapped it for a French one is illegal – which invalidates your insurance.

READ ALSO Is it illegal to drive on a foreign licence if you live in France?

If you have an accident while driving, even if it’s not your fault, you need to contact your insurance and if you’re showing a French address and a non-French licence it’s likely that questions will be asked. 

Listing an address that’s not your actual place of residence counts as lying to your insurers, which is also likely to result in the refusal of your claim if you are caught. And it can lead to prosecution. 

Changing provider

France has a reputation for making it difficult for customers to shop about for things like insurance – and with some justification. 

But the good news is the process is becoming simpler, and the fact is you have every right to shop around for the best deal for you.

Of course, if you’re happy with your insurer, stick with them. Policies auto-renew after 12 months and will do this every year unless you cancel.

When you sign a contract, you have a 14-day cooling off period where you can cancel without being penalised. After this, you can usually only cancel within the final two months of the first year.

After the first 12 months have elapsed, you can cancel at any time. The insurer will end the contract one month after receiving notice of cancellation and will refund any payments made beyond this period.

Your new chosen insurer may be able to help with cancelling your existing insurance. If not, you need to send a letter of cancellation – you might be able to do this online, otherwise you need to write a formal letter and it’s a good idea to send it by registered mail.

Just make sure that you have insurance in place before you get behind the wheel!

Member comments

  1. It’s my understanding that rental cars in France have liability insurance included in the price of the rental, so that when foreigner visitors rent a car in France from a vendor such as Sixt or Hertz, there’s no need for them to purchase an additional third-party liability policy. The renter’s only obligation is to have or purchase damage/collision insurance coverage to cover any damage to the rental car itself. Is that correct?

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Reader question: Can I let a friend borrow my car in France?

Whether your friend is moving house and needs to borrow a vehicle, or you want to let your family member take your car out for a spin, here is what you should know about loaning out your car in France.

Reader question: Can I let a friend borrow my car in France?

Most of the time, it is perfectly acceptable in France to loan your vehicle to a friend, family member or any other third-party, although there are some things to check first.

The general rule is that French insurance policies cover the vehicle, rather than the driver.

This means that third-party cover always applies, but the level of coverage for your own vehicle and the person borrowing it in the event of an accident will depend on the type of insurance contract you hold. 

The holder of the insurance plan must also still list one or several named drivers for the vehicle in the contract.

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: How does car insurance work in France?

What to do before you lend your car

Look at your insurance contract and verify the conditions for loaning the vehicle, referred to as prêt du volant in French. You can also contact your insurer to ask.

It is possible that your contract fully covers anyone borrowing the vehicle, but they may have to meet certain requirements (outlined below).

The contract should also explain the level of coverage that would be afforded to the driver in the event of an accident.

Depending on the insurance plan, if your friend is responsible for an accident while driving your car, they may only be covered minimally and you could be responsible for paying a higher rate of the franchise (the amount that the insured person pays out-of-pocket for the claim in relation to the amount the insurer contributes).

These are the possible types of contracts;

  • Vehicle loan without restriction (Prêt de véhicule sans restriction): no increase in the franchise will be applied in the event of a claim
  • Vehicle loan with franchise increase (Prêt de véhicule avec majoration de franchise): your franchise will be higher in the event of a claim
  • Vehicle loan allowed to third parties, except for novice drivers, as defined in the general terms and conditions of the contract (Prêt de véhicule à un tiers, sauf aux conducteurs novices définis dans les conditions générales du contrat)
  • Prohibition on lending a vehicle to a third party, except to family members (Interdiction de prêt de véhicule à un tiers, sauf ascendants, descendants, membres de la famille)
  • Total prohibition on lending the vehicle (Interdiction totale de prêt du véhicule)

If your contract does not cover third-parties borrowing the vehicle, then you can ask your insurer to add this into the contract. The supplemental document would technically be an amendment to the contract and you may need to pay a fee.

If you want to lend your vehicle on a regular basis to a specific person, then you must report this to your insurer.

What happens if the person borrowing the vehicle is pulled over?

In the event of a road check, the person borrowing the car must – like any other driver – present a valid driving licence.

The police officer may then verify that the vehicle is insured. Previously, insurance was verified with the carte verte – a small sticker in the windshield.

However, law enforcement can now check insurance using the new digital system by searching for the licence plate and verifying information in the file of insured vehicles (FAV).

What if the person borrowing the car gets into an accident?

This depends on who was responsible for the accident. If it was the other vehicle, then it is their insurance who would be responsible for the cost of repairs.

If the person borrowing your car is responsible for the accident, then your car insurance will pay for damage caused to the other vehicle, according to French government website Service-Public.

However, the level at which your insurance will cover damage to your own vehicle and the driver you lent it to will depend on your contract. As mentioned above, it is also possible that the insurance company will charge a higher franchise for a non-listed driver.