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Swedish word of the day: nyanlända

Although today's word of the day technically means 'new arrivals', in practice it's used slightly differently.

Swedish word of the day: nyanlända
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Nyanlända is made up of the word ny (new) combined with the verb anlända (arrive), giving the literal translation of “new arrivals”.

That used to be its primary usage – you could for example say en nyanländ turist (a newly-arrived tourist), or ett nyanlänt flyg (a newly-arrived flight).

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Since 2016, it’s come up more and more in discussions about Swedish migration policy, so you would be forgiven for thinking it refers to all newly-arrived immigrants.

Somewhat frustratingly, it is rarely explicitly stated in policy proposals exactly what is meant by nyanlända, but in practice it usually refers to people arriving in Sweden either as asylum seekers or as family members of asylum seekers.

More specifically, it’s used to describe those who are eligible for the Swedish Public Employment Service’s etableringsprogram or “introduction programm”, designed to aid refugees and other people in need of protection in finding work, learning Swedish and becoming financially independent.

However, the vagueness in how it’s used in policy and debate can lead to confusion both for recently-arrived immigrants who are not in Sweden as asylum seekers (and are not referred to as nyanlända) and for refugees who have already been in Sweden for a few years, who are still sometimes referred to as nyanlända.

Example sentences:

Nyanlända kan få hjälp att hitta arbete i Sverige.

Newly-arrived [asylum seekers] can get help to find a job in Sweden.

Regeringen vill se en obligatorisk “Sverigekurs” för nyanlända.

The government wants there to be a mandatory “Sweden cours” for newly-arrived refugees.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.

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Swedish word of the day: bröllop

Did you know that the Swedish word for 'wedding' can be traced back hundreds of years?

Swedish word of the day: bröllop

Bröllop comes from the Old Swedish word bruþlöp, made up of the words brud (bride) and löpa (run). The latter refers to the bridal couple’s journey through the village back to the groom’s farm after the ceremony, to show off their union and happiness to all their neighbours.

The formal act of getting married is called vigsel, and bröllop is the umbrella term for the ceremony and the party afterwards (bröllopsfesten).

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Swedish wedding traditions have changed over the years, but one thing that’s always remained the same is that they’re usually associated with a grand party for family and friends.

As early as the 14th century, Sweden’s first nationwide set of laws laid out by the King dictated that any couple getting married must send out two men and two women to go door to door inviting guests to the wedding party.

In the countryside, guests from the various farms often brought food along as a kind of potluck dinner, competing with each other over who could present the best meal. It was seen as an event for the entire village, who often celebrated for several days.

For a brief period in the 19th century, getting married at home rather than in the church was trendy among the bourgeoisie, but church weddings soon became all the rage again, according to SO-rummet, a website for social science and history teachers.

In the 1970s, weddings became simpler affairs, followed by another revival in the 1990s, after which they again appear to have reverted back to a more relaxed dinner with friends.


Church weddings are again falling out of fashion. At the turn of the millennium, more than half of all couples married in church, compared to around a third today.

Traditionally, Swedish couples walk in together, to demonstrate that they both enter into the marriage of their own free will, but it’s become more common in recent years for the father to walk the bride down the aisle, possibly inspired by Hollywood movies.

The key roles in a Swedish wedding party are:

Bride – brud

Groom – brudgum

Wedding officiant – vigselförättare

Maid of honour – brudtärna

Best man – marschalk (although more and more say “best man”)

Flower girl – brudnäbb

What about the hen night and stag do? They’re the möhippa and svensexa in Swedish.

Example sentences:

Jag vill helst ha ett litet bröllop

I’d like a small wedding best

Vem ska vi bjuda på vårt bröllop?

Who should we invite to our wedding?

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.