Germany’s parks plant a way forward on climate change

In the castle gardens of Muskauer Park, which straddles both banks of the German-Polish river border, caretakers have mounted a fightback against the impacts of climate change.

Germany's parks plant a way forward on climate change
Gardener Jana Kretschmer explains the damages on a tree in the landscape park in Bad Muskau, near Goerlitz in eastern Germany on August 22, 2024. Photo: Tobias SCHWARZ/AFP.

On the stump of a 150-year-old oak tree, gnawed by parasites and felled in a storm, a tender new shoot represents the estate’s hope of adapting to rising temperatures and more frequent droughts.

As part of a “natural regeneration” project, the sapling was grafted onto its fallen predecessor by gardeners in the first step towards replacing the UNESCO-listed park’s lost trees.

The young oak “will benefit from the roots of the old tree and will be more resistant to threats”, gardener Jana Kretschmer told AFP.

By transmitting their DNA to the new saplings, the older trees “teach” their descendants how to adapt to less hospitable conditions.

“Nature shows the way, humans need only look on,” said Kretschmer.

Drought and pests are among the silent killers encouraged by climate change, which weakens plants and has started to decimate the flora of the parklands on both sides of the Neisse river.

Some 180 beeches, ashes and oaks had to be felled there last year.

“Every year since 2018 we have to cut down more and more trees,” said Kretschmer, the site’s deputy manager, who bemoaned the loss of countless old trees as a “catastrophe”.

Natural cure

In June, 15 German estates presented their plans to protect their gardens against the impacts of climate change.

At Muskauer Park, the groundskeepers are betting on the traditional method of natural regeneration to increase the tree-count.

Importing more resistant species of trees would be an option, but one that would be “neither sustainable, nor intelligent”, said park manager Cord Panning.

A natural regeneration approach moreover promises savings in two scarce commodities: money and water.

Following the method, caretakers select the best young specimens to plant them in place of old trees, eschewing genetic engineering or any foreign transplants.

In time, they hope to restore virtually all of the trees in the 19th century garden that have been lost and felled.

Among the pests to have plagued the trees at Muskauer Park are the tinder fungus and the bark beetle.

“Usually, by the time you realise it, it is too late,” said Kretschmer.

Long dry spells between 2018 and 2020 did nothing to help the situation, leaving the trees ever more vulnerable to attack.

Fungal invasion

Further south in Germany, at Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, the spread of the phytophthora fungus and invasive mistletoe species are depriving trees of water.

“The trees are experiencing dry stress, even in years where rainfall is sufficient,” said Michael Degle, the palace’s landscape architect.

The Munich park has had a system of “sustainable tree management” since 2018, which employs moisture sensors and new pruning techniques.

The project feeds into the joint efforts of over a dozen garden estates in Germany, including Muskauer Park, to develop effective responses to climate change.

But their work is “reaching its limits”, according to the group’s June report.

Already, 20 to 30 percent of their budget is spent on fixing climate damage — a share which is only increasing.

According to their calculations, somewhere between 200 and 250 million euros ($220 and 275 million) would be needed in the long term to protect historic parks from rising temperatures.

The damage to trees at Muskauer Park by a warming climate will be on show at the estate’s open day at the end of September.

An opportunity, according to Kretschmer, to show that trees “are not just wood, but living beings much more clever than us”.

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Parts of Germany hit by flooding as torrential rain wreaks havoc in central Europe

Rising water levels are continuing to hit parts of Germany while flooding is causing devastation in nearby countries, with at least 18 deaths reported so far.

Parts of Germany hit by flooding as torrential rain wreaks havoc in central Europe

The highest flood warnings have been issued in several countries including Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania. 

So far, at least 18 people have lost their lives in the catastrophic, days-long rainfall of Storm Boris, while several others are missing. Roads and fields are flooded, cellars and houses are full of water while dams and dykes have been destroyed. 

Since Thursday, Austria has been lashed by torrential rain, with regions like Lower Austria and Vienna recording unprecedented levels. 

READ ALSO: When will the torrential rain in Austria stop?

Germany has not seen the same extent of torrential rain as other countries but people living along the Oder and Elbe rivers are facing difficulties.

In Saxony, anxious eyes are focused on the Czech Republic and the Elbe river. Water masses from the neighbouring country are reaching Germany with a delay.

In Dresden, the water level of the Elbe is already more than four times the normal level of 1.42 metres and is expected to exceed the six metre mark during the course of the day. During the devastating flood of 2002, it reached a high of 9.40 metres.

Flood protection measures in the Elbe river in Dresden on Tuesday.

Flood protection measures in the Elbe river in Dresden on Tuesday. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Kahnert

Bavaria affected by persistent rainfall

According to forecasts by the German Weather Service (DWD), the heavy rain in the south and east of Bavaria is expected to subside by midday on Tuesday. But residents have been trying to manage rising water. 

In Passau, the water level of the Danube exceeded the second highest warning level 3 early on Tuesday, the Bavarian Flood Information Service reported.

Several roads, footpaths and car parks were closed due to flooding and rising water levels. The Sempt River in Upper Bavaria is also swelling again after an initial drop in water levels. Warning level 3 was also reached at the Berg gauge near the municipality of Wörth (Erding district).

Rainfall is expected to ease in some of the affected areas this Tuesday as the clean-up gets underway. 

In wider Germany, the weather is expected to heat up again in the coming days after the chilly autumnal spell, with highs of 25C in Berlin expected. 

With reporting from DPA