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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Swedish government wants to extend compulsory schooling, Green Party gains support in new poll, and how happy are Swedes with their sex lives? Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
Swedish Education Minister Johan Pehrson. Photo: Jakob Åkersten Brodén/TT

Swedish government wants to extend compulsory schooling

Sweden’s right-wing government want children to start school at the age of six, starting from the autumn semester of 2028.

“It’s one of several reforms to teach children to read and write properly,” said Education Minister Johan Pehrson.

Increasing the Swedish grundskola – primary up to and including lower secondary school, or ages 7-15 – from nine years to ten years was part of a government-commissioned inquiry as early as 2021 and was also an ambition of the former centre-left government. 

In 2018, Sweden introduced a compulsory “preschool class” for six-year-olds before they started school, so the compulsory element of schooling is already ten years. But instead of preschool class, children would from 2028 jump straight into the first grade of primary school. 

“There will be an increased focus on learning to count, read and write early,” said Pehrson.

The government is expected to formally put a bill to parliament in November.

Swedish vocabulary: autumn semester – hösttermin

Green Party gains support in new poll

The Green Party is enjoying its strongest support in Dagens Nyheter/Ipsos polls since January 2016, currently polling at 7 percent.

The swap of leaders in the past year may be behind the success, as well as the party having changed its external communication to focus more on the climate and environment and less on social issues, according to Ipsos public opinion analyst Nicklas Källebring.

The party appears to be stealing votes from the Social Democrats, who have fallen to 31 percent.

The Left Party gets 9 percent in the poll and the Centre Party 5 percent.

On the right wing, the Sweden Democrats are polling at 21 percent, the Moderates at 19 percent, the Christian Democrats at 4 percent and the Liberals at 3 percent.

Swedish vocabulary: support – stöd

Half of Swedes happy with their sex life

Swedes are having less sex, according to a new study by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU).

Thirty-three percent of respondents told the survey they had had sex with one partner between one and five times in the past month, and 28 percent had not had sex at all.

Sex within a relationship is falling, with previous studies suggesting that people are too tired and stressed. But RFSU argued that it need not only be a negative, suggesting that changing priorities, gender equality and respecting your partner could also be factors at play.

But according to the study, half of Swedes are happy with their sex life, although that is also falling. More women than men are happy, with 28 percent of the men telling the survey they were very or fairly dissatisfied with their sex life.

Swedish vocabulary: sex life – sexliv (if written as two words, sex liv, it means “six lives”)

How will Sweden’s new budget affect foreign residents?

The Swedish government will present its autumn budget on September 19th. The Local has looked into how the proposals we know about so far, like measures to attract foreign talent and money for Swedish classes, could affect foreigners living in Sweden.

Swedish vocabulary: a proposal – ett förslag

Member comments

  1. re compulsory schooling, having experienced both the UK system where they start age 4 (or the year they are 5) and the Swedish system at age 7 the age 7 way is much better, they are physically and mentally developed and ‘ready to learn the English system pushes children way before they are ready. it’s just another ploy by the corporate globalist elite to get their ‘slaves’ back to work ASAP with a state run free child minding service i.e. School!! and sadly Sweden is albeit slowly walking into it age 6 now, then 5 in a few years and so on, very sad.

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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Swedish finance minister to unveil 2025 budget bill, Sweden abstained in UN vote on Israel, and the royal coffers are getting more money next year. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Swedish Finance Minister to unveil 2025 budget bill

Swedish Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson is set to deliver the government’s 2025 budget bill to parliament at 8am today.

The budget is the result of a collaboration between the right-wing coalition government and the far-right Sweden Democrats, and we already know a fair bit about what’s going to be in it. This article by The Local looks at how the budget will affect foreign residents in Sweden.

The 2025 budget is set to be far more expansionary than the restrained budget Svantesson presented last year: 60 billion kronor towards new reforms rather than 39 billion kronor for 2024. Almost half, 27 billion kronor, will go towards lower taxes for households.

The Local will cover the new budget in more detail as soon as we know more.

Swedish vocabulary: a budget bill – en budgetproposition

More kronor for royal coffers next year

Sweden’s royal court and palaces will get another 27 million kronor next year, with their budget rising to 190 million kronor, reports Swedish public radio broadcaster Sveriges Radio’s news programme, Ekot. The government also proposes an extra six million kronor for this year.

The main reason behind the increase is said to be a need to boost the security of the royal family and the royal palaces.

There’s also been an increased demand for royal presence for example in the Swedish parliament.

But the court isn’t getting as much money as it had asked for, because the palaces’ ticket sales increased last year.

Swedish vocabulary: royal – kunglig

Sweden abstained in UN vote on Israel

The UN General Assembly voted to adopt a resolution that demands that Israel “brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence” in occupied Palestinian territories, based on an International Court of Justice ruling that Israel’s presence in the territory is unlawful.

A total of 124 nations voted in favour of the resolution, which calls on Israel to “comply with international law and withdraw its military forces, immediately cease all new settlement activity, evacuate all settlers from occupied land, and dismantle parts of the separation wall it constructed inside the occupied West Bank”, according to an update on the UN’s website. Fourteen voted against and 43 abstained.

Sweden was among the countries that abstained, which drew criticism from the opposition.

“It’s very weak, and another example of the government’s passivity in important international issues,” Morgan Johansson, the foreign policy spokesperson of the Social Democrats, told Swedish newswire TT in a written comment. The Left Party called the abstention “shameful”.

Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard told the Expressen tabloid that Sweden abstained together with a group of “like-minded” nations, because, she argued, the resolution went further than the court’s judgment. 

“It includes among other things demands for Israeli withdrawal from occupied territory within 12 months – we’re of the opinion that that time limit creates problems for a negotiated two-state solution,” she said in a written comment.

Out of the Nordic countries, Denmark also abstained whereas Finland, Iceland and Norway voted in favour.

Swedish vocabulary: to abstain – att lägga ner sin röst

Unconfirmed reports: Hand grenades found at Öresund Bridge

The police bomb squad was called to the Öresund Bridge’s toll station in Malmö on Wednesday evening.

According to public broadcaster SVT, hand grenades had been found in a car driving from Denmark to Sweden.

“We are helping customs in an investigative matter, but I won’t elaborate on exactly what kind of matter,” said Fredrik Bratt of the southern policing region. He added that the public was not at risk and that the investigation was taking place near rather than on the bridge.

The bridge remained open the whole time and police concluded the probe at 9pm.

Swedish vocabulary: a bridge – en bro