Boom in whale-based tourism sparks concern in French Polynesia

A giant whale stole the show at the surfing competition of the Summer Olympic Games, shooting out of the water as athletes competed in women’s semi-finals on the French Pacific island of Tahiti in August.

A whale breaches during the 2024 Olympic Games, in Teahupo'o, on the French Polynesian Island of Tahiti
A whale breaches during the 2024 Olympic Games, in Teahupo'o, on the French Polynesian Island of Tahiti. (Photo by Jerome BROUILLET / AFP)

It is for spectacular scenes like this that many tourists travel each year to French Polynesia, one of the world’s prime destinations to go whale-watching and even swim with the huge mammals.

But even if the French overseas territory seeks to promote eco-friendly tourism, environmentalists and some scientists warn that growing numbers of travellers present a threat to the majestic species.

Every year, between July and November, humpback whales travel from their breeding grounds in Antarctica to the balmy waters of French Polynesia to mate and give birth, covering the extraordinary distance of roughly 6,000 kilometres.

Located in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean and consisting of 118 islands, the picture-perfect territory known for its crystal-clear waters, stunning beaches and lush landscapes is one of the few places on Earth where tourists can swim with the whales.

“We’re lucky to have humpback whales that come close to the reefs in search of rest and calm,” said Julien Anton, a guide for Tahiti Dive Management, a government-approved operator offering whale-watching tours.

“The females try to escape the males, so they come to protect themselves and swim regularly along the reefs.”

Humpback whales were decimated by commercial whaling in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Due to conservation efforts and a moratorium on commercial whaling adopted in 1986, the population has increased to around 80,000 individuals.

Humpback whales are known for their aerial displays, known as breaching, as well as elaborate songs with which males court females.

Adult females average 15 metres in length and weigh up to 40 tonnes, while adult males are slightly smaller.

For many Indigenous peoples across Polynesia, the marine animals are sacred.

In March, Indigenous leaders from across Polynesia including Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii, New Zealand and the Cook Islands signed a declaration recognising whales as legal persons with inherent rights.

They hope that the move would strengthen protections for the species, which is under threat from climate change, ship strikes and whale watch harassment, among other risks.

Whale-watching is an important source of income for French Polynesia, and authorities have taken steps to promote responsible tourism to protect the cetaceans.

In April, regulations imposed a safety distance of 100 metres between the animal and authorised boats, while swimmers must stay 15 metres away.

“This is one of the last places on the planet where we are allowed to observe them at such close quarters,” said Anton.

However, environmental associations and some scientists have criticised the boom in whale-watching activities.

The Polynesian association Mata Tohora, which works to protect marine mammals, says there are far too many boats on the water.

“We need to limit the number of boats around the whales and dolphins. It’s a question of managing the activity, which needs to be done quickly,” said Agnes Benet, a biologist and founder of the association.

“You can swim with the whales without disturbing them.

“It’s possible if you take the time, if you’re patient and if you do it with love.”

Her association is campaigning for the introduction of a ‘no whale-watching’ period, from 2pm onwards, to allow them to rest.

A study carried out in the South Pacific island nation of Tonga and published in the journal PLOS One in 2019 pointed to ‘detrimental effects’ on the whales targeted by swimming activities, especially mother-calf pairs.

The study said that both observing and swimming activities cause ‘avoidance responses’ from humpback whales, with mothers diving for longer periods of time in the presence of vessels and swimmers.

The risks are not limited to the animals. In 2020, a 29-year-old female swimmer was seriously injured off the coast of Western Australia after becoming trapped between two whales.

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Italy to overtake France as world’s largest wine producer

Italy is due to regain its spot as the world's largest wine producer in 2024 as France's vineyards are hit by unfavourable weather, according to figures from each country's agricultural authorities.

Italy to overtake France as world's largest wine producer

After a disastrous 2023 harvest, Italy’s production will recover eight percent to between 41 million and 42 million hectolitres, the country’s main agricultural association Coldiretti said on Wednesday.

The French agriculture ministry had estimated earlier this month that French production will fall 18 percent to 39.3 million hectolitres.

Coldiretti noted that this year’s output in Italy still remains well under the average of recent years, as different parts of the country cope with either heavy rains or drought.

Since 2007, Italy has been the world’s top producer each year apart from 2011, 2014 and 2023, when it was pipped by France, according to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).

Coldiretti said Italy is “divided in two” with the north hit by “intense rain and hail in spring and early summer”, while large parts of the south and Sicily have faced drought.

Heat and lack of rain led to particularly early harvests in some parts of the country.

In France, the steepest fall is expected in the eastern Jura mountain range where frosts and mildew are expected to result in a 71 percent drop in output.

In terms of volume, the biggest drop will be in the western Charente region where production will fall 35 percent.

Output is expected to fall by 30 percent in the Loire Valley and by a quarter in the Burgundy-Beaujolais area, which was hit by severe hail.