The 3 biggest challenges facing tech workers in Germany

You’ve made the decision to move to Germany and dive into the tech scene—fantastic! You’re about to embark on an incredible adventure in one of the world's most dynamic countries. But let’s be honest, it’s not always all about bier, brezeln, and Brückentage.

The 3 biggest challenges facing tech workers in Germany
Moving to Germany? There's a couple of challenges you should know about. Photo: Wes Hicks / Unsplash

As a newcomer to Germany, you’ll face a few challenges, even if you’re brimming with excitement. Here’s what to expect, along with the course that might just prove all the difference.

Adding to your coding skills can help give you the competitive edge, which is why WBS CODING SCHOOL offers courses in the most in-demand tech skills on the job market, from Web Development to AI Skills..

1. The Job Hunt

In the tech industry, you’re actually in a prime position. Tech workers in Germany are in high demand, and there’s a relatively straightforward acceptance of qualifications and certifications.

That said, the job hunt is not without its challenges. The competition can be fierce, and understanding German job market nuances can be tricky. 

Questions like whether to include a photo on your Lebenslauf (resume) or if a particular job requires an Anschreiben (cover letter) can make the process feel overwhelming. 

Balancing the effort between crafting a top-notch application and using LinkedIn’s ‘Easy Apply’ feature can be exhausting. 

WBS CODING SCHOOL understands how challenging the tech recruitment process can be and has experts on hand to share their knowledge with you. Their recruitment experts support students for up to 12 months after graduation, smoothing your way from study to dream tech career

Ignite your career in tech with WBS CODING SCHOOL 

2. The Language Barrier

While many Germans speak excellent English, especially in tech environments, the language barrier can still be significant. 

Der, die or das? Dativ or akkusativ? How are you supposed to get the nuances across in conversations with your colleagues, let alone tell your neighbours that are making too much noise?

Language classes are there to help, but it can often seem that they’re taking up the time that you could be practising out in ‘the wild’ . Then, when you’re out and about, sudden stage fright can lead you to forget what you’ve learned and revert to English. 

WBS CODING SCHOOL knows the importance of learning German to give you the best chance of success. That’s why they have introduced the Speaktech program, giving you the opportunity to learn German whilst you’re studying a tech program.  

Whether you’re applying for jobs, or filling out forms, it pays to have more than a smattering of German fluency. See how WBS CODING SCHOOL’s Speaktech program can give you the advantage

We weren’t going to mention the weather but ugh… it’s a killer. Photo: Dylan Mcleod / Unsplash

3. Lack of a Support Network

Settling into a new country can sometimes feel like trying to start a new game without knowing the rules. If you’re not in a major city like Munich or Berlin, making friends might seem like an uphill battle.

Germans often form tight-knit social circles early on and keep them for life. Breaking into these groups can take time and effort, whether it’s through leisurely walks (spaziergänge) or getting involved in local clubs and activities.Don’t forget your rain jacket!

 While connecting with other internationals can be a good start, forming bonds with locals will truly open doors to all that Germany has to offer—along with the best local food and drinks!

Meet-up events are another great way to meet like-minded people working in tech. Check out the free events WBS CODING SCHOOL offers to find out more about their courses and to get networking!

Supercharge your time in German with a course that combines coding and communication skills. Inquire about WBS CODING SCHOOL’s range of courses today!

your Pathway to Thriving as a Tech Worker in Germany

All of the challenges we’ve discussed have a common root – an inability to communicate effectively in German. 

That’s something that in their work with thousands of budding tech workers, WBS Coding School has come to realise, and wants to change. 

WBS CODING SCHOOL’s Speaktech program ensures that every student enrolling in a coding class learns the essential German skills that they will need to thrive wherever they are in Germany, as well as the in-demand skills to land them a great job in tech. 

It’s not enough to be able to speak Python or Java – WBS CODING SCHOOL ensures that graduates in Web App Development, UX or Data Science are able to spend their ‘off hours’ making the connections that matter. 

To sweeten the deal, if  you’re already in Germany and looking to make the career transition, the Agentur fur Arbeit or the Job Center can sponsor your entire course with an educational voucher/ 

Whether you’re about to embark on your German adventure, or are looking to switch careers, now’s the time to enquire about upcoming bootcamps and begin your journey towards coding – and communicating -effectively. 

Want to how this will help you get a Bildungsgutschein to fund your bootcamp, or about WBS CODING SCHOOL’s German classes? Schedule an interview today to find out more

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