15-year-old girl stabbed in Stockholm

A 15-year-old girl in Tyresö south of Stockholm was stabbed on Saturday night by an unknown man. She is being treated at Karolinska Hospital, where her condition remains serious but stable.

The girl was stabbed in the chest and stomach, and she also sustained serious wounds on her arms after trying to defend herself.

According to Lars Gretas, station commander at the Nacka police, the girl was attacked on the way to a residential area by a man who had hidden behind a bush and came at her. He was dressed in black and had his faced covered by a hat or a hood. After the attack, he disappeared.

As of Sunday morning, no one had yet been arrested. Nothing indicates the assailant and the victim knew each other.

Police have taken several items at the crime scene into evidence during the investigation, and a number of witnesses have been questioned. The crime has been classified as attempted murder.

According to Karolinska Hospital, the girl has a punctured lung. She is seriously injured but in stable condition, according to information released by the hospital at 9 am on Sunday morning.

The 15-year-old girl was stabbed at least two times, according to Bernt Malion at the Nacka police. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance in the company of her father and her friend. They arrived at the hospital at 2 am.

The friend, who tried to help the 15-year-old, was not injured during the incident. Both were questioned during the night.

The assailant was described as a young man, but over the age of 20. How he escaped from the scene is unknown.

As of yet, no eye witnesses have come forward.

“But it was a warm night and people were awake. There were witnesses who heard the girl yell for help and ran outside and were helpful with taking care of the victim, Malion said.

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These are Sweden’s 13 best universities according to a new ranking

Three Swedish universities have made the top 100 in a prestigious global ranking – with 13 Swedish universities in the top 1000s.

These are Sweden's 13 best universities according to a new ranking
The Karolinska Institute was Sweden's top university in the ranking. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Harvard University in the US again placed first in the table of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU – also often referred to as the Shanghai Ranking).

But Sweden's performance was not too shabby, with the Karolinska Institute, Uppsala University and Stockholm University in the top 100s, and 13 universities in the top 1000s.

Sweden's medical school Karolinska Institute climbed to 38th place in the ranking, up from 44th last year.

It was followed by Uppsala in 62nd place and Stockholm as number 73, who both also improved their performance on last year.

Its Danish neighbours got the highest spot out of the Nordic countries, with University of Copenhagen in 26th place. But Sweden had the most universities listed compared to Denmark's and Norway's six each, Finland's eight and Iceland's one nod in the ranking.

The rest of the Swedish seats were Lund University (in a shared 101-150th spot), University of Gothenburg (151-200), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (201-300), Chalmers University of Technology (301-400), Linköping University (301-400), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (301-400), Stockholm School of Economics (401-500), Umeå University (401-500), Örebro University (801-900) and Luleå University of Technology (901-1000).

Among the six indicators used to rank the universities were the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, the number of highly cited researchers, and the number of articles cited in journals of nature and science