Denmark proposes foreigners given obligatory work for welfare benefits

Foreign residents of Denmark who do not fulfil certain criteria related to their length of stay and employment record could be required to perform obligatory work to receive welfare, according to a government proposal.

Denmark proposes foreigners given obligatory work for welfare benefits
Illustration photo. Denmark is to introduce a weekly work requirement for foreigners who receive basic welfare and do not meet employment and residence criteria. Photo: Thomas Lekfeldt/Ritzau Scanpix

In a statement released by Danish residence permit agency SIRI, the government confirmed that its proposal to introduce obligatory work for certain people within the social welfare system had now been formally tabled and sent to the hearing stage.

That means public organisations and other entities have a certain amount of time to provide input, objections or comments on the proposal before it enters the formal process of being voted on and adopted in parliament.

The proposal itself is based on an October 2023 political agreement between the coalition government and the far-right Denmark Democrats and Danish People’s Party.

READ ALSO: Danish government to introduce obligatory work for welfare benefits

In the agreement, the government says it has agreed with the other two parties to “introduce compulsory work for all persons in the social welfare [Danish: kontanthjælp, ed.] system who do not fulfil the requirements of living in the kingdom [Denmark, ed.] for at least 9 of the last 10 years and full-time employment for at least 2.5 of the last 10 years”.

This means that, to avoid being affected by the proposed obligatory work rule, you must have lived in Denmark for at least 9 of the last 10 years and must have been in full-time work for at least two years, six months of that period.

While the proposal has some way to go before being adopted in parliament, the agreement with the two right-wing opposition parties gives it majority backing.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How a new law gets made in Denmark

The obligatory work would comprise 37 hours per week and be “continual”, and can consists of various forms of work including voluntary work, work placements or something resembling a regular work schedule, the SIRI statement said.

Fulfilling the work obligation would allow migrants to receive the basic form of unemployment benefit, kontanthjælp.

The proposal asks that “municipalities should always structure the work effort based on the individual person’s circumstances and health”, SIRI said.       

It is expected to be phased in gradually during 2025, initially to persons receiving the lower welfare benefit given to some refugees under integration laws [selvforsørgelses-, hjemrejse- og overgangsydelse] and then broadened to others who do not meet the stated criteria.

Around 22,000 persons in total could eventually be affected by the rule, according to the text of the October 2023 agreement.

The agreement text says that “too many foreigners, especially women with non-Western background” are not engaged on the labour market and that the proposal seeks to address this.

The obligatory work “will also help break negative social control” which prevents some women from seeking jobs, it also argues.

“We want to send a very clear signal together that when you come to Denmark, we expect something of you, and that you should work if you can,” Employment Minister Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen said in October 2023 when the political agreement was announced.

Halsboe-Jørgensen’s Social Democratic party has previously faced concerns from other parties that the measure could squeeze others out of unskilled jobs.

“It is fenced into our agreement that this should not replace anything people are already doing today. It should naturally be mostly a stepping stone to a real job,” Halsboe-Jørgensen said last year.

“It is up to municipalities to look at their areas and see what needs to be done,” she said.


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EXPLAINED: Denmark’s rules for registration of working hours

Most people working in Denmark must now register when they come and go from the workplace after new rules came into effect. Here’s what the law says.

EXPLAINED: Denmark’s rules for registration of working hours

From July 1st, all Danish employers are required to introduce a working hours registration system that makes it possible to measure the daily working hours of each individual employee.

The requirement implements a 2019 judgement of the EU Court, with Denmark’s version built on an agreement reached on June 30th last year between the Confederation of Danish Employers, the Danish Trade Union Confederation, and Denmark’s white collar union, the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.

READ ALSO: What does Denmark’s new law on recording working hours mean for foreigners?

In what form must working hours be registered? 

As of July 1st, essentially all employees of Danish companies must register their working hours. Employers are obliged to provide a system fit for purpose – either electronic or manual, although the former is more likely.

Employees must be able to access their own records and look up the information relating to them.

“There are no specific requirements for the form of the system that is used. But it must be ‘objective, reliable and accessible’,” the deputy director of the Confederation of Danish Industry, Christoffer Thomas Skov, said in a statement.

Electronic systems can range from registration of when an employee logs in and out of their work computer, or when they enter a workplace using a key card. Digital companies have also begun offering apps for the purpose.

Manual registration does not necessarily mean written down on paper – the staff member can also send an email, for example, stating the hours they worked that day. They can also enter the hours into a registration system.

Do I have to register at the exact moment of starting or finishing work?

The law does not require this, but it’s generally recommended. There are also no specified periods in which registrations must be kept updated before the next period begins.

“But it must be reliable, so we recommend not leaving it too long between registrations,” Skov said.

Which companies does the law apply to?

All companies are affected by the law, no matter how big or small.

However, the company must have employees, meaning sole traders and self-employed people without and staff are not encompassed.

Which employees must register their hours?

If you’re an employee, you can assume you are encompassed by the law. There are no exemptions for, for example, part-time staff, seasonal workers or temps.

The law applies regardless of how many hours you work.

Employees empowered to set their own schedule — so called self-organisers or selvtilrettelægger — are exempt from the law, but the law states that such people should be able to reorganise their own working time “in its entirety” and that this power should be enshrined in their contracts. As such, this is only expected to apply to CEOs or other very senior executives. 

Do I need to register the time of day I arrive and leave, or just the hours?

This may be determined by the system used at your workplace.

Although the Employment Ministry, when processing the law in parliament, said it would only make the hours themselves compulsory for registration (and not arrival/leaving times), the notes attached to the law as it passed parliament say times of day should, in fact, be registered.

Trade unions and legal experts have subsequently recommended this as correct practice.

What is defined as ‘working time’?

Under the new law, workers will need to register deviations from agreed or scheduled working hours and will also have to register interruptions to the working day if they need to, for example, pop out to the dentist or stay late to finish a presentation. 

More intricate details include whether things like breaks or travel time during business travel, for example, should be registered as part of the working day. This is less clear-cut and you may need to consult your work place – which should set clear guidelines – or collective bargaining agreement (via your trade union).

A rule of thumb is that, if you are clocked in to work, you must be available to your employer to do work if called to (for example, by cutting short a break).

What if my job is exempt from normal rules on working hours?

Some professions – for example, emergency services or armed forces – have exemptions from normal rules related to working hours, for example the provision of at least one day off per week or 11 hours of rest per day.

Labour rules also restrict regular working weeks to 48 hours.

If you work in a profession which has some exemptions to these rules, they will continue to apply and will be unaffected by the rules on registration of working times.

Note: this article is a general guide and for specific advice on your personal situation, you should speak to your employer and/or trade union.