Walpurgis Night: Why are Swedes dancing around bonfires?

Been invited to a bonfire party this weekend? Wondering what on earth is going on? Swedes are celebrating the spring. Valborgsmässoafton (Walpurgis night in English) takes place every year on the last day of April. Here's The Local's guide to the festivities.

Walpurgis Night: Why are Swedes dancing around bonfires?
Valborg in Lund in 2022. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

What are people celebrating?

Walpurgis night is when Swedes celebrate the end of the harsh winter and look forward to the summer sunshine. It takes its name from Saint Walpurga (‘Valborg’ in Swedish), an English missionary who promoted Christianity in other parts of Europe, especially Germany, who was for centuries remembered on April 30th, but the tradition of lighting fires around this time dates back to pre-Christian times in Sweden. These days it has nothing to do with religion and is mainly seen as a way of celebrating the arrival of spring.

It’s also the King’s birthday, but that’s just coincidence.

Walpurgis celebrations always include a bonfire. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

So what happens?

In most towns around Sweden, Walpurgis night is about a mountainous bonfire and a huge crowd, perhaps alongside a choir singing the traditional Swedish ditty ‘Vintern Rasat Ut’. These spectacles are usually organized by the local municipality. It’s a great chance to spend some time with other members of your community, many of whom take the occasion to come out of hibernation and gather, singing Swedish folk songs and dancing. The bonfire also helps the Swedes keep warm as nights remain chilly at this time of year.

Where are the best places to go?

The most exciting action in Sweden occurs in the nation’s student cities, especially Lund in the south and Uppsala, just north of Stockholm, where revellers take the good weather with a good dose of extreme madness before they hunker down to revise for their summer exams. In Uppsala, this is especially true. People flock from far and wide for the biggest street-party of the year, where students let loose and lose their winter inhibitions and clothes for the first time of the year. In Lund, most of the celebrations tend to be confined to the town’s main park Stadsparken, where students also let loose, but at least in one space.

Stadsparken in Lund. The not-yet-lit bonfire can be seen in the background. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

What is there to see apart from a big fire then?

For many students, the day begins with a champagne breakfast, which inevitably ends up with more champagne splashed around the rooms of the student nations than in champagne glasses. In Uppsala, thousands of eager residents then squeeze up along the walls of the little Fyris River to catch a glimpse of the 100 or so homemade rafts that students have decorated and painted specifically for the event.

With the two miniature waterfalls along the river, half the fun is watching to see if the ‘sailors’ manage to keep dry, or indeed, if the rafts keep in one piece at all. When the waters have calmed and the crowd has moved on, thousands gather in a boozy meeting in one of the city’s bigger parks, seeing in the warmer weather with loud music, dancing, and wild student antics.

In Lund, you bring a blanket, friends, something to drink and then spend the day and evening in Stadsparken. 

In the Swedish capital, the open-air museum Skansen is one of the most coveted venues. It puts on singing and music spectacles next to a giant bonfire, which will be lit at 9pm.

The Uppsala boat race. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Anything else?

Fireworks are also a common sight around the country and if you’re passed a strange-coloured hot liquid, it is probably nettle soup. The weeds pop up when the snow melts in Sweden, but provide a healthy warm snack to keep Swedes’ energy levels up throughout the celebrations.


RECIPE: How to make warm Swedish nettle soup

Walpurgis Night in Lund. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

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Why August is an underrated month for summer holidays in Sweden

In her first week back at work after an unusually late summer holiday (by Swedish standards, at least), The Local's Becky Waterton wonders why Swedes seem to overlook August as a great summer month.

Why August is an underrated month for summer holidays in Sweden

Anyone who has spent the summer working in Sweden knows that the country grinds to a standstill after Midsummer when most people head out to their summer houses for three weeks (or more), returning in early August.

By the end of July, most Swedes are already back at work, lamenting the end of the summer as autumn approaches. At the start of August, I heard someone on the radio say that autumn was just around the corner. 

Maybe it’s due to my childhood spent in the UK, where school holidays usually don’t start until the end of July, but I couldn’t help but think that Swedes are overlooking one of the best summer months.

The weather is still great

Sure, the weather is usually good in July, too, but it’s not like temperatures drop to 15 degrees and the sun stops shining on August 1st (not every year, at least). In the last two years, at least down here in Skåne, the weather in August has been better than in July, with more sun and fewer rainy days.

Even if August is too hot or muggy for you, then surely you’d rather spend those stuffy, warm days lounging by the sea or a lake in a Swedish forest somewhere than sitting at your desk working?

There are fewer crowds

Another advantage of going on holiday when most of the country is already back at work is that any summer destinations or attractions are much quieter. In August, you can beat the crowds of schoolchildren and holidaying Swedes, which is much less stressful.

Of course, you might be joined by tourists from other countries where holidays in August are more common, whether that’s Brits travelling during their school holidays, or people from southern European countries like Italy or Spain coming to Sweden for a “coolcation” to escape the heat back home. 


Even something as simple as a beach day or a day trip to a local castle or natural beauty spot can be much more enjoyable in August than in July, if you’re not a fan of big crowds.

One very specific advantage in taking August off for people living in Malmö where I live is that you can enjoy Malmöfestivalen – a music and food festival which takes over the city for a week – during the day, avoiding the crowds in the evening.

Flights are cheaper

Making the most of the quieter months also extends to going on holiday. If you’re lucky enough to be able to travel outside of the school holidays, you can save a lot of money by travelling in August instead of in July, and the airport will probably be emptier than usual too. 

This applies to train tickets, too. The summer rush (and some of the summer maintenance) is over, so it’s a good time to plan a day trip or Swedish getaway – although it’s probably a good idea to avoid the rush hour commuters.

You’re more likely to get the summer weeks you want

Although you’re always entitled to at least three consecutive weeks of holiday in the summer months, that doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get the exact three weeks of holiday in mid-July that you ask for, as everyone else probably wants those weeks too.

If you want time off in August, though, your boss will probably approve it happily, knowing that you’ll be able to cover for everyone else during those quiet weeks in July when everyone else is off at their summer house.

It makes your summer feel longer

If you choose to work through July and take August off, things aren’t exactly busy before you go on holiday. You probably won’t be able to get anything done that requires collaboration with anyone else, and you’ll most likely see your workload diminish.

That doesn’t mean you should start slacking off, but it does mean that the pace will naturally be slower than usual and things will be less stressful. And there’s nothing to stop you from heading to the beach, enjoying your daily fika coffee break in the sun outside, or meeting up with friends after work.


By the time your colleagues are all returning from their holidays, you’re only just heading off on yours, which can make it feel like you’ve somehow hacked the system to get even more time off work during the summer to decompress.

Most of the shops and lunch restaurants are open again

During July, shops and restaurants in the city centre often close as staff take a break over the summer. If you’re on holiday in July, you can’t make the most of a cheaper midweek “dagens lunch” deal, as these often cater to office workers.


In August, however, the workers are back and the restaurants are open again – and you can eat your cheap lunch while smugly remembering that you don’t need to rush back to the office once you’ve finished your meal.